Hello Howard,

- Here's the Retrieve Query Information source that the EXTQRYDFN utility
was based on - it has a little more details:

nfo:  -------------------------------------------------------------**
     **   The *PSSR subroutine could be modified to more elegantly inform
     **   the caller about the actual exception that occurred.
     **   It is up to you to add parameters to return the information you
     **   are interested in to the program's parameter list and subsequently
     **   add code to move the relevant subfields to these parameters.
eader:  -----------------------------------------------------------**
     H DftActGrp( *No )  BndDir( 'QC2LE' )
     **-- MI
unctions:  -----------------------------------------------------**
     D rslvsp          Pr              *   ProcPtr  ExtProc( 'rslvsp' )
     D  ObjTyp                        2a   Value
     D  ObjNam                         *   Value  Options( *String )
     D  ObjLib                         *   Value  Options( *String )
     D  AutReq                        2a   Value
     D setsppfp        Pr              *   ExtProc( 'setsppfp' )
     D   Object                        *   Value  ProcPtr
     D setsppo         Pr              *   ExtProc( 'setsppo' )
     D   SpcPtr                        *   Value
     D   Offset                      10i 0 Value
     D MemCpy          Pr              *   ExtProc( 'memcpy' )
     D  pOutMem                        *   Value
     D  pInpMem                        *   Value
     D  iMemSiz                      10u 0 Value
     **-- Query outfile
pecification:  --------------------------------------**
     D QiOutFil        Ds
     D  OfDtaLen                     10i 0 Inz
     D  OfFilNam                     10a
     D                                5i 0 Inz
     D  OfLibNam                     10a
     D                                5i 0
     D  OfMbrNam                     10a
     D                                5i 0
     D  OfDtaOpt                      1a
     D                                3i 0
     D  OfFilAut                     10a
     **-- Query inputfile(s)
pecification:  ---------------------------------**
     D QiInpFil        Ds
     D  IfNbrFil                      5i 0 Inz
     D  IfFilInf                     80a   Dim( 32 )
     D                                5i 0 Overlay( IfFilInf:  1 )
     D  IfFilNam                     10a   Overlay( IfFilInf:  3 )
     D                                5i 0 Overlay( IfFilInf: 13 )
     D  IfLibNam                     10a   Overlay( IfFilInf: 15 )
     D                                5i 0 Overlay( IfFilInf: 25 )
     D  IfMbrNam                     10a   Overlay( IfFilInf: 27 )
     D                                5i 0 Overlay( IfFilInf: 37 )
     D  IfRcdNam                     10a   Overlay( IfFilInf: 39 )
     D                                5i 0 Overlay( IfFilInf: 49 )
     D  IfFilId                       4a   Overlay( IfFilInf: 51 )
     D                                5i 0 Overlay( IfFilInf: 55 )
     D  IfRcdId                      13a   Overlay( IfFilInf: 57 )
     D                               11a   Overlay( IfFilInf: 70 )
     **-- Query printed output
pecifications:  ------------------------------**
     D QiOutWtr        Ds
     D  OwDtaLen                     10i 0 Inz
     D  OwWtrNam                     10a
     D                               26a
     D  OwPprLen                      5i 0
     D  OwPprWdt                      5i 0
     D                                5i 0
     D                                5i 0
     D                                5i 0
     D  OwFrmTyp                     10a
     D                               12a
     D  OwPrtLin1                     5i 0
     D  OwPrtLinLst                   5i 0
     D  OwPrtLinDst                   5i 0
     D  Owx90                         3i 0
     D  OwPrtDfn                      3i 0
     D QiRptHdr        Ds
     D  RhHdrLen                     10i 0 Inz
     D                               10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  RhNbrLin                      5i 0
     D  RhLinLen                      5i 0
     D  RhDta                       320a
     D QiPagHdr        Ds
     D  PhHdrLen                     10i 0 Inz
     D                               10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  PhNbrLin                      5i 0
     D  PhLinLen                      5i 0
     D  PhDta                       240a
     D QiPagTrl        Ds
     D  PtTrlLen                     10i 0 Inz
     D                               10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  PtNbrLin                      5i 0
     D  PtLinLen                      5i 0
     D  PtDta                        80a
     **-- Query selection
riterias:  ----------------------------------------**
     D QiSelCriHdr     Ds
     D  ScTotLen                     10i 0 Inz
     D                               10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  ScNbrCri                      5i 0
     D QiSelCriDtl     Ds
     D  ScCriLen                      5i 0 Inz
     D                               10i 0
     D                               10i 0
     D  ScCriRelN                    10i 0
     D  ScCriRel                      1a   Overlay( ScCriRelN: 4 )
     D  ScCriArg1                    14a
     D  ScCriOpr                      2a
     D  ScCriArg2Lin                  5i 0
     D  ScCriArg2Dta               4096a
     D QiSelCriArg2    Ds                  Based( pArg2 )
     D  ScCriArg2Len                  5i 0
     D  ScCriArg2                   512a
     ** Formatted selection criterias:
     D SelCri          Ds
     D SelTxt                        55a   Dim( 256 )
     D  SelRel                        3a   Overlay( SelTxt:  1 )
     D  SelArg1                      14a   Overlay( SelTxt:  5 )
     D  SelOpr                        5a   Overlay( SelTxt: 20 )
     D  SelArg2                      30a   Overlay( SelTxt: 26 )
     D Opr             Ds
     D Opr1                          14a   Inz('INLKNKNSNSNTBT')
     D Opr2                          35a   Inz('LIST LIKE
     D OprMnm                         2a   Dim( 7 ) Overlay( Opr1 )
     D OprTxt                         5a   Dim( 7 ) Overlay( Opr2 )
     **-- Global
ariables:  -------------------------------------------------**
     D pQryObj         s               *   ProcPtr
     D pQryTpl         s               *
     D QryTpl          s          32767a   Based( pQryTpl )
     D Int             s             10i 0
     D Idx             s              5i 0
     D Lin             s              5i 0
     D OutOpt          s              1a
arameters:  -------------------------------------------------------**
     D PxQryNam        s             10a
     D PxQryLib        s             10a
     C     *Entry        Plist
     C                   Parm                    PxQryNam
     C                   Parm                    PxQryLib
ainline:  ---------------------------------------------------------**
     C                   Eval      pQryObj =  rslvsp( x'1911'
     C                                              : %TrimR( PxQryNam )
     C                                              : %TrimR( PxQryLib )
     C                                              : x'0000'
     C                                              )
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppfp( pQryObj )
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: 260 )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( OutOpt )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( OutOpt )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        OutOpt   = '3'
     C                   Eval      OfFilNam = '*DFT'
     C                   Eval      OfLibNam = '*PRV'
     C                   Eval      OfDtaLen = 25
     C                   EndIf
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: 380 )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( Int )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( Int )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        Int      > 0
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: Int )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiOutFil )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiOutFil )
     C                                   )
     C                   EndIf
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: 396 )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( Int )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( Int )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        Int      > 0
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: Int )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiOutWtr )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiOutWtr )
     C                                   )
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: x'019C' )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( Int )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( Int )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        Int      > 0
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: Int )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiRptHdr )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiRptHdr )
     C                                   )
     C                   EndIf
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: x'01AC' )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( Int )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( Int )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        Int      > 0
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: Int )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiPagHdr )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiPagHdr )
     C                                   )
     C                   EndIf
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: x'01BC' )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( Int )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( Int )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        Int      > 0
     c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: Int )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiPagTrl )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiPagTrl )
     C                                   )
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: 558 )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( IfNbrFil )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( IfNbrFil )
     C                                   )
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: 560 )
     C                   For       Idx = 1 To IfNbrFil
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( IfFilInf( Idx ))
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( IfFilInf )
     C                                   )
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = pQryTpl + %Size( IfFilInf )
     C                   EndFor
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: x'5C' )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( Int )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( Int )
     C                                   )
     C                   If        Int      > 0
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: Int )
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiSelCriHdr )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiSelCriHdr )
     C                                   )
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = pQryTpl + %Size( QiSelCriHdr )
     C                   Eval      Lin      =  *Zero
     C                   Do        ScNbrCri
     C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiSelCriDtl )
     C                                   : pQryTpl
     C                                   : %Size( QiSelCriDtl )
     C                                   )
     C                   Eval      pArg2    = %Addr( ScCriArg2Dta )
     C                   Eval      Lin      = Lin + 1
     C                   If        ScCriRel = x'80'
     C                   Eval      SelRel(Lin)  = 'OR '
     C                   Else
     C                   Eval      SelRel(Lin)  = 'AND'
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      SelArg1(Lin) = ScCriArg1
     C                   Eval      SelOpr(Lin)  = ScCriOpr
     C                   For       Idx = 1 To  ScCriArg2Lin
     C                   Eval      SelArg2(Lin) =  %SubSt( ScCriArg2
     C                                                   : 1
     C                                                   : ScCriArg2Len
     C                                                   )
     C                   If        Idx      < ScCriArg2Lin
     C                   Eval      Lin      = Lin + 1
     C                   Eval      pArg2    = pArg2 + ScCriArg2Len + 2
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndFor
     C                   Eval      pQryTpl  = pQryTpl + ScCriLen
     C                   EndDo
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      *InLr       =  *On
     C     *Pssr         BegSr
     C                   Return
     C                   EndSr

- I hope that'll make it work for you - otherwise let me know!

Best regards,
Carsten Flensburg

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Howard Norcross" <howard.norcross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <mi400@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 4:44 PM
Subject: [MI400] Query object - retrieving spooled output details


Hi all. I'm a newbie to the list, newbie to MI but know the iSeries and
its ancestors back to 1984...

I'm using a reworked version of a Carsten Flensburg program (See
<http://archive.midrange.com/repository/extqrydef.htm>) to get details
of the spooled output from queries. I don't know what to do in the code
sections shown below to access the correct part of the object, i.e. the
one which will get me the output queue, formtype, etc.

These are the D-specs for the section I need to populate with data from
the query object:

**-- Query printed output specifications:
D QiOutWtr        Ds
D  OwDtaLen                     10i 0 Inz
D  OwWtrNam                     10a
D                               26a
D  OwPprLen                      5i 0
D  OwPprWdt                      5i 0
D                                5i 0
D                                5i 0
D                                5i 0
D  OwFrmTyp                     10a
D                               12a
D  OwPrtLin1                     5i 0
D  OwPrtLinLst                   5i 0
D  OwPrtLinDst                   5i 0
D  Ow1                           5i 0
D  Ow2                           5i 0

And these are the C-specs I've added - xXx in the setsppo function
denotes an offset value which I can't discover anywhere :(

c                   Eval      pQryTpl  = setsppo( pQryTpl: xXx )
C                   CallP     MemCpy( %Addr( QiOutWtr )
C                                   : pQryTpl
C                                   : %Size( QiOutWtr )
C                                   )
c                   move      Owdtalen      dtalen
c                   move      Owwtrnam      wtrnam
c                   move      Owfrmtyp      frmtyp

Can someone point me in the right direction please?


Howard Norcross
Senior A/P
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