Not an answer to your question, and you may already be aware of this, but IBM has stated that modified programs (such as what you're proposing to do in order to get into system state) will not convert to V6R1. IBM has published a draft redpaper at which provides quite a bit of information on this conversion (and the impacts of the conversion on modified programs). If you find that you need to enter system state in order to meet an application requirement you may want to consider the following paragraph from the redpaper:
"As discussed earlier, programs that have had their hardware instruction streams altered in unsupported ways, or that have been altered to run system state, cannot be successfully converted. Such programs must be changed to use only supported interfaces. If no supported interface exists for your situation, you can request a new interface by contacting Bruce Vining at bvining@xxxxxxxxxxx"
With this stated direction of IBM in regard to patched programs I would not encourage anyone to start using system state -- and anyone currently running system state to examine their alternatives. Applications should be designed and implemented to maximize the ability to run as-is on future releases. Use of system state implies application headaches in the future... as does any use of unsupported interfaces on the system for that matter.
Just a heads up,
Bruce Vining
Matías Centeno Lozada <s101710r@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Folks.
I'm using Leif's MIPGMVV to re-calculate my program's PVV after I patched it
to run as *system state.
On V4R5 it works perfect ! (I can save and restore it even on releases like
V5R1, V5R3, V5R4 without loosing the *system state attribute), but I'm
having problems to re-calculate the PVV when I compile MI programs on any
release above V4R5.
The BINDER-LEVEL and MODULE-LEVEL changes to X'07' in V5R1 and X'08' in
V5R3, but I'm still unable to calcule the right PVV.
Leif, do you have a V5R1+ version of your MIPGMVV program ?
Any help will be appreciated.
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