• Subject: RE: Passing numeric fields to COBOL program
  • From: Paul Tuohy <tuohyp@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 00:35:16 +0100

Gary, does this problem occur when you are passing the parameter from a 
command line? If so, the problem is that the number you are passing is 
signed where as the program is expecting packed, hence you key the number 
as a hex value.

Paul Tuohy

-----Original Message-----
From:   Gary Lehman [SMTP:Gary_Lehman@mail.mchcp.org]
Sent:   09 June 1998 16:13
Subject:        Passing numeric fields to COBOL program

Does anyone know why you have to pass a numeric field(ex such as a date) in
hex format?  I'm trying to pass an 8 digit instead of 6 like we've always
done, but I never had anyone explain to me why hex format is used.  Does it
have anything to do with packing data?

Gary Lehman
Programmer Analyst
Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
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