• Subject: Re: Help Text and Officevision/400
  • From: rob@xxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 09:18:39 -0500

Sorry folks for the size of this email!

From an internal memo:

I called iseries support last week for confirmation of PRTDOC's demise in
V5R1 and their recommendations.  He confirmed it and then emailed me the
following.  I've been reading it and wanted to pass it along to you.  I've
been reading the related red book.  I don't have a plan yet for replacing
the PRTDOC and EDTDOC functions I have in the shareholder system.  Do you
have any thoughts about those commands used in the Safety system?
Following is his message:
02/21:  I spoke with Chris.  He mentioned just writing RPG programs to
print the letters in the Shareholder system, but this takes away the
flexibility of the editor.  I talked to Jeff Millen @ IBM OV/400 Support (
millen@us.ibm.com).  He sent me the following guide:

Document Title:  Options for Replacement of OV/400 Merge Documents

Document Description:


The OV/400 development team evaluated several solutions for replacing the
OfficeVision/400 Data/Text Merge (DTM) functions.  The intention of this
investigation was to familiarize ourselves with the various approaches
available in order to understand the options OV/400 customers would have to
replace their use of OV/400 Data/Text Merge in their applications.  There
was no single magic solution that met every possible need -- some customers
could have several applications each requiring a different DTM solution for
optimal operation.  It was not our intention to endorse or recommend any
one solution for DTM.  The best solution for any given situation is
dependent upon the customer and his individual needs, and is linked to how
the customer plans to address other issues in their information technology
environment.  This investigation also evaluated the marketing angle of
these other solutions.


The objective of this document is to:

   Provide a high level overview of the data/text merge function provided
   by OV/400

   Document results of evaluation of the other data/text merge products

Data/Text Merge Defined

The OV/400 word processing function provides several ways to combine
information to create documents.  A shell document must first be created
that contains the constant text and the instructions or programming
required to combine the shell document with variable information.  Variable
information includes files, queries, fill-in documents, paragraph and form
documents.  Data/Text Merge is the name of the process of combining shell
documents with external variable information to create customized final
documents.  Several types of merges are described below.  Any of these
methods can be combined to produce the desired result.

(Embedded image moved to file: pic00723.pcx)
   Direct Merge

   A tailored document is created interactively by editing a shell document
   and viewing variable information (either data or text) via a split
   screen.  The data or text needed to complete the document are then
   incorporated using copy and paste.  The data/text merge process is done
   manually by the user.

   Multiple Letter / Multicopy Merge

   This method is used for creating repetitive letters (mass mailings) that
   combine a shell document with data in a data file or query to produce
   many customized documents.  One copy of the document is printed for each
   record in a data file or query.  An example of using this kind of merge
   would be sending a letter about a new product to all your customers, the
   letter could be customized with your customer's names and addresses.
   The data/text merge process is performed by OV/400 and initiated with
   the PRTDOC and/or MRGDOC command.  The command can be issued from the
   command line or from a program and can run interactively or placed on a
   job queue to run as a batch job.

   Column List Merge

   This method is used to create a single tailored document that contains a
   column list of data from a data file or query.  Each record in the data
   file or query causes another row in a column list to be printed in the
   document.  An example of using this merge method would be creating
   monthly reports that reported on current inventory.  This data/text
   merge process is also performed by OV/400 and initiated with the PRTDOC
   and/or MRGDOC command.  The command can be issued from the command line
   or from a program and can run interactively or placed on a job queue to
   run as a batch job.

   Dependent Column List Merge

   This method is a combination of the column list and multiple letter
   merge.  An example may be to send repetitive letters to customers and
   list the customer's unpaid invoices.  The data/text merge process is
   performed by OV/400 and initiated with the PRTDOC and/or MRGDOC command.
   The command can be issued from the command line or from a program and
   can run interactively or placed on a job queue to run as a batch job.

   FillForm Merge

   The variable information that is used in this merge method does not come
   from data or query files but is supplied from one or more  people.  An
   additional document, a form document is required for this function.  A
   form document is similar to a shell document except that it contains
   form field instructions instead of data field instructions.  The form
   fields that are defined are areas where data can be typed or filled in
   by other users.  The other text of the form fill document is not
   editable.  Form documents are designed so that they can be sent to
   multiple users for input.  The data that is typed in can be used to
   complete a tailored version of the form document or be extracted and
   used to create/update a database file that could then be used by other
   applications.  This data/text merge process is performed by OV/400 by
   specifying the FILLFORM command (from the command line or program) or by
   selecting option 15 from the Work with Document in Folders or Work with
   Mail panel.

   Structured Correspondence / Complex Document Assembly

   Tailored documents are created by combining standard paragraphs from one
   or several other documents.  This method is useful if a variety of
   tailored documents is needed, each containing a different combination of
   related paragraphs.  For example, legal documents may be created as
   needed by combining selected number of standard paragraphs.  The
   data/text merge process is performed by OV/400 and initiated with the
   PRTDOC and/or MRGDOC command.  The command can be issued from the
   command line or from a program and can run interactively or placed on a
   job queue to run as a batch job.

   (Embedded image moved to file: pic31095.pcx)

Migration From OV/400

The basic migration process from OV/400 to another solution involves three

   Migrating Database Access:  Migration process includes defining the path
   needed to access the database or query files on OS/400.  Database and
   queries that are used by OV/400 are defined within the shell document
   options or as parameters on the PRTDOC or MRGDOC command.

   Migrating OV/400 Merge Documents (Shell and Form Documents):  Most
   solutions cannot recognize the native RFTAS400 document type used by
   OV/400.  Therefore, a typical migration process would involve converting
   OV/400 shell documents from RFTAS400 to RFTDCA.  Then importing the
   RFTDCA to the desired word processing format.  Worst case would involve
   re-creating (re-typing) the shell document in the desired word
   processing format.  Once in the new format, data field and other OV/400
   data/text merge instructions would need to be removed and replaced with
   the corresponding data/text merge instructions of the new solution.  For
   structured correspondence shell documents, a migration step that could
   not be avoided would be to replace each include instruction to specify
   the new location of the paragraph documents.

   Replacing Data/Text Merge APIs:  OV/400 invocation of the data/text
   merge process will need to be replaced with invocation instructions of
   the new solution.  Typically, MRGDOC and PRTDOC commands used in a
   user's application would need to be replaced with the corresponding
   solution's APIs.

Replacement Options

The following products were a part of this DTM evaluation.

|Product             |Dire|Multi|Colum|Dep.|FillF|Structu|OV/400      |
|                    |ct  |ple  |n    |Col.|orm  |red    |Components  |
|                    |    |Lette|List |List|     |Corres-|Required to |
|                    |    |r    |     |    |     |pondenc|be Migrated/|
|                    |    |     |     |    |     |e      |Redone      |
|DTM for AS/400      |Yes |Yes  |Yes  |Yes |V1R2 |Yes    |Shell       |
|Simplest way to     |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|replace OV/400 DTM  |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|applications        |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|DTM for Domino      |Yes |Yes  |Yes  |Yes |V1R2 |Yes    |Shell       |
|ITP                 |Yes |Yes  |Yes  |Yes |Yes  |Yes    |Data, Shell,|
|Access to OS/400    |    |     |     |    |     |       |APIs        |
|data through the PC |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|editor of your      |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|choice.             |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|Domino for AS/400   |Yes |Yes  |Yes  |Yes |Yes  |Yes    |Data, Shell,|
|IBM's strategic     |    |     |     |    |     |       |APIs        |
|Office solution     |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|BNDM                |Yes |Yes  |V1R3 |V1R3|No   |V1R3   |Data, Shell,|
|Combine power of    |    |     |     |    |     |       |APIs        |
|Domino with a simple|    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|user interface to   |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|produce letters for |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|mass mailings       |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|Document Connect    |Yes |Yes  |Yes  |Yes |Yes  |Yes    |Data, Shell,|
|Combine power of    |    |     |     |    |     |       |APIs        |
|Domino with a       |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|simplified approach |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|to complex document |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|assembly and        |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|structured          |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |
|correspondence      |    |     |     |    |     |       |            |

DTM for AS/400

   is a native replacement of the OfficeVision/400 Data/Text Merge
   supports existing RFT/FFT documents.
   supports existing applications using OV/400 commands.
   supports all merge types supported by OV/400.
   is based on the open XML standard.
   supports different output formats.
   includes a complete 5250 editor (not all OV/400 word processing
   functions are supported by DTM in the first release.  Refer to Inventive
   Designer Web page for table of matrix of supported formatting
   instructions:  www.inventivedesigners.com).

DTM for Domino

   includes all functions of DTM for AS/400.
   uses Notes databases for document storage.
   includes a Notes-based editor.
   provides a way to move OV/400 documents to a Notes database.

ITP/CS is a client/server software solution that offers unprecedented
flexibility in creating text/data merge applications for modern word
processors, like Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect.  ITP/CS connects
these word processors to your OS/400 databases.  It does so by adding a
flexible and easy-to-use instruction language to your word processor of

Lotus Domino is a client/server platform for developing and deploying
groupware applications.  At its most basic level, a Domino application is a
document database, serving as a repository for both textual and other
information.  Lotus Domino for AS/400 offers the highest degree of mapping
to the functions of OfficeVision/400; however, Domino does not offer the
same level of functionality as OfficeVision/400 for Word processing editor,
dictionary services and Data/TextMerge.

BNDM for AS/400 (BlueNotes Data Merge) is a Notes/Domino application for
merging database data with Notes documents to
produce multiple output documents such as standard letters.

It supports file and field prompts and record selection.

It provides two merge options:

   User Merge, where the user has complete control over the format.
   Developer Merge, where the Notes developer creates the Notes forms and
   the user simply has the ability to run the merge and to input free-form

The output Notes documents may be printed and/or used in other Notes
applications such as for recording customer correspondence.

BNDM V1R1 is available free to registered users of BNDW (BlueNotes Document
Warehouse) V1R3.

IBM Document Connect for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino Version 1.0 is an
enterprise solution for process-oriented document production.  As a Lotus
Notes and Lotus Domino application, Document Connect readily fits into an
existing Notes and Domino infrastructure, building on the base of
technology and experience already in place.  It enables organizations to
streamline their business processes by improving the effectiveness of their
document production.


   Redbook:  How to Replace OfficeVision/400 in Your Applications: Looking
   at Domino for AS/400 and AS/400 Alternatives  (SG24-5406-00).
   DTM for AS/400 V1R1M0.
   DTM for AS/400e Servers Administrator and User's Manual V1R1M1
   Intelligent Text Processing (ITP) version 1.4.1
   From OfficeVision/400 to ITP: How to migrate OfficeVision/400 text-data
   merge applications to ITP.
   BNDM for AS/400 V1R2 Stand-alone ScreenCam Demo.
   IBM Document Connect for Lotus Notes and Lotus Domino: ScreenCam Demos.
   OV/400 V3R1 Word Processing (SH21-0701-00).
   AS/400 Data/Text Merge Options White Paper by Deni Wilson

Jeff Millen    TCPIP-EMAIL Support Specialist   507-286-6243

Rob Berendt

Remember the Cole!

                    "Bull, Jeff"                                                
                    <BullJ1@Midas-Kapit        To:     
"'MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com'" <MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com>             
                    i.com>                     cc:     "Williams, Esther" 
                    Sent by:                   Subject:     Help Text and 
                    03/07/01 08:11 AM                                           
                    Please respond to                                           

Hi all,
     We are currently using the HLPDOC keyword in our display file dds to
enable users to display the appropriate helptext for a field or function.
In light of the withdrawal of OV/400 from the scene by IBM, the displaying
of these 'Office' documents could potentially be problematic for our
application if they do not work after v4r5.  Does anyone know what will
happen on a V5R1 platform when an application that uses Officevision help
run?  Will the program fail immediately or only when F1 is pressed?  Will a
nice message be displayed and the function carry on regardless?

     We do not need OV/400 for maintaining or storing our help text as we
can find another approach.  For example, we might keep our help text in a
database on the AS/400 or in a text file in QDLS.  The real problem is the
runtime usage of OV/400 to display the office document when F1 is pressed.
What we would really like to do is call our own help text program with the
same parameters that must be going to the OV/400 program when F1 is
This would be the least intrusive solution to our application as we would
not have to change our DDS or our RPG programs.

     Does anyone know of a Red Book or API  we can use to solve our
problem ?

Kind regards,
Jeff Bull.
Senior Support Consultant
Certified IBM AS/400 System Administrator
Midas Kapiti International Ltd

Tel: 44 (0) 175 370 8224
Fax: 44 (0) 175 357 0233
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