... and it appears to be working correctly.
A few things you will notice ...
1. The URL for the list web interface (subscribe, unsubscribe, set options,
etc) has changed ... it's now
http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo.cgi/midrange-l (replace
midrange-l with your favorite list name). The old URL will still work, but
will automatically be redirected to the new URL.
2. HTML conversion is cleaner. The old "Picked text/plain from
multipart/alternative" comment will not appear in the message.
3. A number of the list options can now be set globally ... which means
that if you specify it for one list, and enable the global setting, it will
affect all lists.
4. You can now specify your real name on list options (I'm not entirely
sure what good this does, but it's there).
5. You can now specify a language that Mailman will present itself to you
... for those of you who are not native english speakers, you will now be
able to manipulate your subscriptions at midrange.com in the language of
your choice. Please note: This does not change the list language ... which
will remain english.
If you notice anything odd about the behavior of the lists, please contact
| Internet: david@midrange.com
| WWW:
| AIM: MidrangeMan
| We're not in the middle of nowhere...
| we're on the outskirts of everywhere!
| - DMRoth (adapted)
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