Even 4 or 5 logicals will be bad - every record deleted means processing
all the indexes for each record deleted. The Database Programming manual
says that the entry for a deleted record is removed from the index. If this
is done in a simple manner, it may mean just changing a couple pointers. If
the entry is compressed out, there's more work involved. Nonetheless, this
is on a record-by-record basis. You're way ahead by turning off or delaying
access path maintenance.
The other points, esp. about copying the records you want to keep and
clearing the file, are right on, IMO, esp. when the number of deleted
records will be most of the file. You can CPYF on a range, and an existing
logical will help this, too. You deleted c.72% of the records. Copying the
other 28% would mean, at worst, about 40% of the I/O, and could be better,
if blocking can be used - deletes are not blocked.
In my experience, SQL is the worst tool for deleting records, esp. a lot of
them, relatively speaking. It's awfully easy to program but often performs
very badly. The usual trade-off is: Convenient for the programmer, bad for
the user (or performance).
As far as using the index goes, the optimizer may still select a table
scan, if it determines that lots of records will be returned. Default
estimates are that greater-than and less-than each return 33% of the
records. This is refined in various ways, and I don't know the effect of
the AND. A between (which this is equivalent to) assumes 25% of records
returned. But key-range estimates may broaden this, as it should in this
case. If it finds the number returned to be high, it'll probaby go with a
table scan, as this will take less time, since index key positioning
requires more I/O. I/O is the killer in all this.
At 11:31 AM 2/10/03 +0100, you wrote:
>- journaling (number of pending deleted records and multiples writes).
>- Triggers.(number of calls and process in triggers programs)
>- Numbers of logicals files.(update index)
>- Referentials constraints.(multiples action processed).
yeah, I guess the journal will have had a big impact.. We have an ASP2 for
but it only has 2 6718 drives (mirrored).
4 or 5 logicals shouldn't be too bad... No triggers or constraints,
I'll keep this in mind,
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