Has anyone used EIM with Novell?

>>> midrange-l-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx 3/19/2004 7:31:22 AM >>>
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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: remote telnet with ssl (James H. H. Lampert)
   2. RE: Scoop on v5r3 CL enhancements (Joe Giusto)
   3. Re: OT: Inappropriate email (David Gibbs)
   4. RE: Scoop on v5r3 CL enhancements (jt)
   5. RE: Problems in iSeries Navigator (Chuck Lewis)
   6. RE: Problems in iSeries Navigator (Chuck Lewis)
   7. Another Open Source TN5250 project (David Gibbs)
   8. RE: Another Open Source TN5250 project (Pete Helgren)
   9. re:Query Optimizer Access Path Selection via Opnqryf (Mike savino)
  10. RE: ** POLL - How many of you are playing with
      Java/Websphere/JSP ** (CWilt@xxxxxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Thu, 18 Mar 2004 23:44:53 -0800
from: "James H. H. Lampert" <jamesl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: remote telnet with ssl

Scott Klement wrote:

> SSL Telnet is, more or less, a separate service running on the iSeries.
> Running SSL Telnet won't prevent the use of normal Telnet.  They can run
> at the same time without any conflicts.

<plug>The TN5250e client we developed at Touchtone, as part of our
ThinView and Wintouch products, supports Secured Telnet. At present, it
is only available as part of these products, and requires an initial
connection through the product's own port to whatever system the
Wintouch or ThinView server is installed and licensed on, but once the
emulator has been launched, it is not limited to only that one host, and
can indeed open a terminal emulation session on any "reachable" AS/400
with an active Telnet or Secured Telnet port.</plug>

We use Secured Telnet not only within our own network, but also for
troubleshooting customer problems. The next-best-thing to a real

James H. H. Lampert
Professional Dilettante

Help America's Passenger Trains. http://www.saveamtrak.org 

Read My Lips: No More Atrocities!


message: 2
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:24:06 -0500
from: Joe Giusto <jgiusto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Scoop on v5r3 CL enhancements

V3R2... V3R2...  I love my CISC box. 

Just kidding!  :)  

-----Original Message-----
From:     John Brandt Sr. [mailto:pgmr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent:    Thursday, March 18, 2004 2:25 PM
To:    'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'
Subject:    RE: Scoop on v5r3 CL enhancements

You didn't ask for V4R5...
John Brandt

-----Original Message-----
From: Vern Hamberg [mailto:vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 1:18 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Re: Scoop on v5r3 CL enhancements

I think it'd be nice to have the enhancements PTF'd back to, say, V5R1, 
which'll soon be the earliest supported, right? And to include the *PRV CL 
in it. Not asking for much, am I?   ;-)



message: 3
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 07:27:54 -0600
from: David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: OT: Inappropriate email

Jeff Crosby wrote:

> I got the following email in response to the post I sent, to this list, just
> a while ago (see original post below):


This thread is not really appropriate for the MIDRANGE-L list ... 
perhaps PCTECH (http://lists.midrange.com/listinfo/pctech) or CPF0000 

FWIW: The content screening program is not playing by the RFC rules 
entirely correctly .. as they are responding the author of the message 
(Jeff), not the sender (my list management software, Mailman).



message: 4
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:16:44 -0500
from: "jt" <jt@xxxxxx>
subject: RE: Scoop on v5r3 CL enhancements

Mr. Barsa,


===> Interrupting a "work stoppage" to express the opinion that this is
ENTIRELY reasonable.  Can you locate somebody with a brain up in Somers or

I'd like to see this opinion passed along to somebody who can actually
understand this stuff *and* DO something constructive, and remind them I've
already paid these amounts, in advance.  Anybody who's paid up to 10X the
going prices for 400 chips and hard drives and memory and such, (especially
relative to pSeries prices,) has paid-in-advance.  As well as those who've
paid the interactive tax.  Paid-up-in-full-in-advance.  (In fact, I doubt
IBM had to even touch zProfits, and the iDivision profits probably covered
the costs of the new SOA (state-of-art) chip plant in East Fishkill.  That's
my swag.)

Btw, as far as distribution costs, I understand you can buy an entire album,
electronically, from iTunes for about $10 retail.  So mebbe IBM could farm
that part out if it "costs" much more than that.  And although I'd hafta
swag at the True Costs (vs. IBM-internal-bean-counter costs), I understand
the divisor is somewhere between 250,000 and 750,000 in total...  That's
what it's been in the past, anyway.



| -----Original Message-----
| [mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Al Barsa
| Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:54 PM

| Enough to pay for PTF development and distribution costs divided by the
| number of buyers.  Certainly, at the low, more than a few hundred dollars,
| certainly, at top, low thousands.
| Al
| Al Barsa, Jr.
| Barsa Consulting Group, LLC
| 400>390
| 914-251-1234
| 914-251-9406 fax
| http://www.barsaconsulting.com 
| http://www.taatool.com 


message: 5
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:46:52 -0500
from: "Chuck Lewis" <clewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Problems in iSeries Navigator

Wow, THAT is one mother of a URL :-) So are those PTF's for the iSeries or
the PC ?

And here is the CWBPING results:

I - Verifying connection to system
I - Successfully connected to server application: Central Client
I - Successfully connected to server application: Network File
I - Successfully connected to server application: Network Print
I - Successfully connected to server application: Data Access
I - Successfully connected to server application: Data Queues
I - Successfully connected to server application: Remote Command
I - Successfully connected to server application: Security
I - Successfully connected to server application: DDM
I - Successfully connected to server application: Telnet
I - Successfully connected to server application: Management Central
I - Connection verified to system

Thanks !


-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ingvaldson, Scott
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 10:33 AM
To: 'midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx' 
Subject: RE: Problems in iSeries Navigator

QYPSJSVR does not run under the QSECOFR profile, it "requires the use of a
user profile with all object authority (*SECOFR). The default is to use

But Chuck's QYPSJSVR job looks fine, so that's not the issue here.  Chuck,

I would also try "CWBPING" in a windows command prompt (or
Verify Connection in iSeries Navigator) to verify that all of your Client
Access Socket servers are working properly.


Scott Ingvaldson


message: 6
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:50:22 -0500
from: "Chuck Lewis" <clewis@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Problems in iSeries Navigator

Yep, that did it ! It was set to default to my user name on the PC...
Setting it as you recommend gets me the prompt to use QSECOFR. Thanks Rob !


-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of rob@xxxxxxxxx 
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 9:39 AM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: RE: Problems in iSeries Navigator

Maybe now I understand what Scott was saying.

Chuck, try right clicking on that iSeries.  At the bottom pick Properties. 
Connection tab.  Select "Prompt every time".  Does that allow you to pick 
a different user?

Rob Berendt


message: 7
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 07:49:54 -0600
from: David Gibbs <david@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Another Open Source TN5250 project


I recently found a new Open Source TN5250 project that I'm quite 
impressed with.

The URL is http://tn5250j.sourceforge.net/ ... it's a 5250 emulator 
implemented in Java.

Seems quite stable and has a lot of features ... I highly recommend it.

It has a number of very interesting features ...
.. File transfer
.. Scripting
.. Spool file export
.. Hot spots
.. Can be implemented stand alone or as an Applet
.. Appears to be able to handle SSL



message: 8
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 07:04:16 -0700
from: "Pete Helgren" <pete@xxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Another Open Source TN5250 project

+1 for tn5250j.

VERY nice java-based open source tn5250 emulator that we are integrating
into our open source AEE (Application Execution Environment) product that
allows you to launch both 5250 and Web Based applications from the same Web

Pete Helgren
Value Added Software,Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of David Gibbs
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 6:50 AM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Subject: Another Open Source TN5250 project


I recently found a new Open Source TN5250 project that I'm quite
impressed with.

The URL is http://tn5250j.sourceforge.net/ ... it's a 5250 emulator
implemented in Java.

Seems quite stable and has a lot of features ... I highly recommend it.

It has a number of very interesting features ...
.. File transfer
.. Scripting
.. Spool file export
.. Hot spots
.. Can be implemented stand alone or as an Applet
.. Appears to be able to handle SSL


This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing list
To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l 
or email: MIDRANGE-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 9
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 14:20:40 +0000
from: "Mike savino" <mikejsavino@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: re:Query Optimizer Access Path Selection via Opnqryf

* interestingly enough, the first one also recommended building the
following logical:


Based on that, it appears that the Optimizer is smart enough to know that an 
exact match between the OPNQRYF Select and the Keys on the LF will speed up 
the selection.  Maybe Sorting the Results after the Select isn't as 
expensive as doing the Select in the First place.... Especially if the 
Results are a much smaller number of Rcds than the File itself contains.

* 4 - The cost to use this access path, as determined by the optimizer, was
*higher than the cost associated with the chosen access method.

*  5 - The keys of the access path did not match the fields specified for
*the ordering/grouping criteria.

It's interesting that the Optimizer came up with 2 different Reasons for not 
using the L2 File.  Wonder what's up with that?

FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! 


message: 10
date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 09:29:59 -0500
from: CWilt@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
subject: RE: ** POLL - How many of you are playing with
    Java/Websphere/JSP **


Are there any books you recommend for learning how to use this on the
iSeries (and other platforms)?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Pluta [mailto:joepluta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2004 7:32 PM
> To: 'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'
> Subject: RE: ** POLL - How many of you are playing with 
> Java/Websphere/JSP **
> > From: Pete Helgren
> > 
> > Maybe I have Java dyslexia or something but when I see HTML, Java
> code,
> > and JavaScript all mixed together with Javabeans
> I think perhaps you haven't gotten a chance to work with a proper JSP
> interface.  It sounds like you're working with CS-101 geek-level JSPs,
> which don't use servlets.  Back in the olden days, ex-Perl programmers
> wrote JSPs as self-contained units which contained both business logic
> and UI.  Those days are long gone, and those programmers are now busy
> doing .NET stuff <grin>.  Instead, we now have JSP Model II 
> which bears
> a striking resemblance to the old green screen interface 
> we're used to.
> With JSP Model II, the idea is simple:
> 1. A servlet is invoked (from an HTML menu, usually)
> 2. The servlet executes business logic to generate data
> 3. The servlet populates a bean with that data
> 4. The servlet invokes the JSP
> 5. The JSP gets data from the bean and renders it with the rest of the
> 6. The user enters data and hits a button
> 7. The user data is posted back to the servlet
> Think of it this way: A display file is basically a bunch of constants
> with fields that allow you to display variable data from a 
> buffer (some
> of which may be input-capable).  A Model II JSP is an HTML page with
> places where you display variable data from a bean (some of 
> which may be
> input-capable).
> A Model II JSP is very like a traditional display file.  The 
> servlet can
> execute business logic in its native Java, or, like I prefer to do, it
> can call an RPG program to do the heavy lifting.
> Anyway, it's a great architecture.
> Joe
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End of MIDRANGE-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 426

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