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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: Unattended full system backup (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
>    2. Re: Unattended full system backup (Wayne McAlpine)
>    3. Re: upgrade discounts for existing systems from IBM...
>       (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
>    4. Qshell and CCSID (Kelly Cookson)
>    5. SNDDST on V5R2 stop working... (Gurrieri Fabrizio)
>    6. Re: SNDDST on V5R2 stop working... (michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> message: 1
> date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:53:29 -0500
> from: rob@xxxxxxxxx

> subject: Re: Unattended full system backup
> The first thing to do is to clear out QSYSOPR after the ENDSBS completes.
> Then vary off all comm lines.  I've seen them generate messages even in 
> restricted state.
> Confirm that QSYSOPR is still clean.
> Then you do WANT the break mode.  But restricted to a different severity. 
> Perhaps because a tape is full or some such animal.  I might be wrong on 
> the severity level, but I think it's right:
> Rob Berendt
> -- 
> Group Dekko Services, LLC
> Dept 01.073
> PO Box 2000
> Dock 108
> 6928N 400E
> Kendallville, IN 46755
> http://www.dekko.com
> "Jerome Draper" <jdraper@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> 04/29/2004 10:35 AM
> Please respond to
> Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> cc
> Subject
> Re: Unattended full system backup

> This is an excerpt from out OPS Guide on running a Savsys21.  We lose
> control of the system until it resurfaces som 14 hours later.  A remote
> control product like the one from Nlynx that allows you to control a 
> twinax
> terminal (DSP01) from a LAN attached terminal (VPN too) would solve that
> problem.
> We had a problem where a break message was sent to the console which
> interrupted the savsys21 (it was waiting for a response) but I believe 
> this
> can be resolved by specifying BRKMSG(*HOLD) in the CHGJOB command.  True?
> Jerry
> Jerome Draper, Trilobyte Software Systems, since 1976
> Network and Connectivity Specialist -- Mac's, LAN's, PC's, and iSeries
> Representing Synapse, Nlynx, Netopia, CLI, HiT, and others .....
> (415) 457-3431 - (415) 258-1658fax - http://www.trilosoft.com
> (this is mostly from the Backup and Recovery guide)
> To perform an unattended save operation, continue with the following 
> steps.
> An unattended save operation prevents your save operation from stopping

> because of unanswered messages:
> Display the reply list sequence numbers to find what numbers are available
> for use:
> a. If MSGID(CPA3708) is not already in your reply list, add it. For xxxx,
> substitute an unused sequence number from 1 through 9999:
> b. Change your job to use the reply list:
> Select option 21 from the SAVE menu and press the Enter key.  A prompt
> display describes the function of the menu option that you selected. After
> reading the prompt display, press the Enter key to continue. You are shown
> the Specify Command Defaults display:
> Confirm the following settings:
> Devices  TAP01
> Prompt for commands  N
> Check for active files N
> Message queue delivery *NOTIFY
> Start time  <set to time you want save sys to start>
> Vary off network servers *NONE
> Unmount file systems N
> Print system information N
> Use system reply list Y
> Notes:

> Type your choice for the Start time prompt. You may schedule the start of
> the save operation up to 24 hours later. For example, assume that the
> current time is 4:30 p.m. on Friday. If you specify 2:30 for the start 
> time,
> the save operation begins at 2:30 a.m. on Saturday.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: James H H Lampert <jamesl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 08:19 AM
> Subject: Re: Unattended full system backup
> > > Is this possible. That is, can you remotely answer any messages that
> > > would  come up?
> >
> > Around here, we don't bother making any provisions for remotely 
> answering
> > messages; somebody simply comes in over the weekend to see if something
> > went wrong.
> >
> > --
> > JHHL
> >
> >
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> > at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.
> >
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> at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.
> ------------------------------
> message: 2
> date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 11:04:35 -0500
> from: Wayne McAlpine <wmcalpine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> subject: Re: Unattended full system backup
> We use an interactive program at the system console (twinax) that wakes 
> up at 2 a.m., places the system in a restricted state, performs a full 

> backup, restarts subsystem QCTL, and then signs itself off.  It's been 
> working for many years now without a hitch.  If you're interested, I'll 
> send you the CL source.
> Mike Berman wrote:
> > Is this possible. That is, can you remotely answer any messages that would 
> come up?
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > 
> >             
> > ---------------------------------
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> > 
> > 
> ------------------------------
> message: 3
> date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 11:09:40 -0500
> from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
> subject: Re: upgrade discounts for existing systems from IBM...
> I'm not so sure that some of these people would move anyway.  Some of them 
> would probably continue to run the B10 even if IBM gave them a new system. 
>  It's the "why change something that we don't know is broke?"  Why would 
> the fact that someone is running something so ancient be a big pain for 
> IBM?  Yes, it's easier to get a customer to upgrade than it is to get a 
> new customer.  But these customers didn't upgrade when the sales were 
> offered to entice them earlier, why would they upgrade now?  IBM is in the 
> business to make a profit.  They can't give their machines away.  Let's 
> face it, it would be cheaper for IBM to discount the new machine, than to 
> take in the old machine in a trade in.  The old machine is valueless and 
> is just a shipping and disposal expense.  Heck we have people pitching in 
> a lot newer models into the dumpster.  Do you actually have people running 

> these old pieces of equipment that would upgrade if someone gave them a 
> trade in but won't upgrade even though the price/performance is a lot 
> better in the newer models?
> I really appreciate leasing.  Makes those periodic upgrades a lot easier 
> to swallow.
> Rob Berendt
> -- 
> Group Dekko Services, LLC
> Dept 01.073
> PO Box 2000
> Dock 108
> 6928N 400E
> Kendallville, IN 46755
> http://www.dekko.com
> Don <dr2@xxxxxxxxxxxx> 
> Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> 04/29/2004 10:35 AM
> Please respond to
> Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To
> midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> cc
> Subject
> upgrade discounts for existing systems from IBM...
> Ya know, you would think that IBM would make it more inticing to
> upgrade...  As I understand it, one of the biggest pains in Rochester's
> butt right now is all those OLD, REALLY OLD, white boxes still floating
> around...I'm talking Bxx,Cxx, Dxx, Fxx... vintage era systems.   And,
> those with 150's are also stuck...

> The thing that some folks refuse to understand is that when a company has
> to pay alot of bucks to in effect MOVE to a new system, they will
> generally to a total software review as well...this means they will review
> if they still need what they have on what they're running it on or if
> there's something in thier mind that's better....and cheaper...  This is
> the kind of internal review that hardware/system upgraders REALLY DREAD or
> SHOULD really dread...because of the huge risk of losing your client!
> Don in DC
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> at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.
> ------------------------------
> message: 4

> date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 19:43:18 -0700 (PDT)
> from: Kelly Cookson <kc62301@xxxxxxxxx>
> subject: Qshell and CCSID
> When I use Qshell commands and redirect output to a
> stream file that does not exist, the resulting stream
> file is in EBCDIC format.  I have been able to use a
> tip from Scott Klement to change the file from EBCDIC
> to ASCII. However, the resulting ASCII file has either
> tabs or line feeds (I think the latter) instead of
> CRLF, so in Notepad all the data appears on a single
> line. For example, with the command: grep '^800'
> /myfolder/myfile.txt > /myfolder/myfile2.txt. The
> lines from myfile.txt are separated by line feeds or
> tabs in myfile2.txt.
> My questions are:
> (1) Can I set an environmental variable or something
> so Qshell defaults to ASCII instead of EBCDIC when it
> creates stream files?
> (2) Can I configure something so Qshell puts a CRLF at
> the end of lines instead of line feeds or tabs?
> (3) Is there a Qshell utility that would let me find

> and replace character sequences in stream files such
> that I could replace all line feeds (or tabs) with
> CRLF? 
> Thanks,
> Kelly
> __________________________________
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> ------------------------------
> message: 5
> date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:18:36 +0200
> from: "Gurrieri Fabrizio" <fabrizio.gurrieri@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
> subject: SNDDST on V5R2 stop working...
> ...hi all,
>     last week-end we migrated from V5R1 to V5R2 OS/400 version, all seems to 
> work good but yesterday we notice that SNDDST *LMSG command stop completely 
> to 
> work without any error message neither in job message nor QSYSOPR message.
> Any siggestion???
> Thank of all
> Fabrizio Gurrieri - BARTOLINI SPA 
> Via E.Mattei  42 - 40138 BOLOGNA (Italy) 
> Tel:+39 051 6015593 - Fax:+39 051 530365 
> E-Mail: Fabrizio.Gurrieri@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
> Internet: http://www.bartolini.it <http://www.bartolini.it/>  
> ------------------------------
> message: 6
> date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 12:52:42 -0400
> from: michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> subject: Re: SNDDST on V5R2 stop working...
> Buon giorno...
> SNADS is running?
> Directory entries in place?
> Are you sending to an external email address? If so, are the CHGSMTPA
> attributes ok?
> On Thu, 29 Apr 2004 10:18:36 +0200, "Gurrieri Fabrizio"
> <fabrizio.gurrieri@xxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> > ...hi all,
> >     last week-end we migrated from V5R1 to V5R2 OS/400 version, all seems
> >     to work good but yesterday we notice that SNDDST *LMSG command stop
> >     completely to work without any error message neither in job message
> >     nor QSYSOPR message.
> > Any siggestion???
> > Thank of all
> >  
> > 
> > Fabrizio Gurrieri - BARTOLINI SPA 
> > Via E.Mattei  42 - 40138 BOLOGNA (Italy) 
> > Tel:+39 051 6015593 - Fax:+39 051 530365 
> > E-Mail: Fabrizio.Gurrieri@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
> > Internet: http://www.bartolini.it <http://www.bartolini.it/>  
> > 
> >  

> > _______________________________________________
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> > at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.
> > 
> -- 
>   michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> -- 
> http://www.fastmail.fm - The professional email service
> ------------------------------
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> End of MIDRANGE-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 641
> ******************************************

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