I'm gonna stick my neck out on this comment...... 
        Subject: RE: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to 
use it!
        How about we all just ignore IBM and continue calling it the 
AS/400. I do!

Why would you call an iSeries, or an i5  an "AS/400"  when the product 
does so much more than the AS/400 did?   I heard a well known IBM iSeries 
guru say about the iSeries:  It isn't your father's AS/400 --- it's 
different.  It's capabilities are greater!"

Part of naming is something about marketing --- something to catch your 
attention, but name change is also a way to position a product based on 
its capabilities.   Not sure we should get caught up in what something is 
called as much as what it does. 

And yes!  I expect to get lamblasted about this!   oh, well!  so much for  
Anne's 2 cents .......

Have a blessed day!

Anne C Lucas, Customer Account Executive
Genisys Group Inc   http://www.teamggi.com

Office:  205-823-4831, Pager 800-223-3907
So Anne Lucas   (AOL Instant Msg)

Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
05/19/2004 08:57 AM
Please respond to


MIDRANGE-L Digest, Vol 3, Issue 743

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Today's Topics:

   1. RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq  (Vern Hamberg)
   2. Re: Barcode on DOT-Matrix Printer?? (Vern Hamberg)
   3. Re: DFU Runtime (rick.baird@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
   4. Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use it!
   5. RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq  (Graap, Ken)
   6. Re: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use
      it! (michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
   7. AW: Barcode on DOT-Matrix Printer?? (Martin Burgsm?ller)
   8. Re: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use
      it! (Adam Lang)
   9. RE: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use
      it! (Zak Metz)
  10. RE: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use
      it! (Emmanuel Zannis)


message: 1
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 07:47:15 -0500
from: Vern Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq 

Hello, Kumaravel

As someone who has been around the iSeries for 15 years, make the F1 key 
your very good friend. The answer to your question is one keypress away. I 

have to say that it sounds as if you have not looked at the help text 

What might not be known by several of us is, you can get context-sensitive 

help in many of the DSPxxx screens. So, on the "Display device 
screen, put your cursor on the "Output queue" line and press F1. You'll 
more information on the *DEV value.

This is very neat, to get help text here. It doesn't happen everywhere but 

is worth a try. DSPOBJD is another one where you can do this. One clue - 
the heading is "Display spooled file", the help will be for displaying 
spooled files, not for the contents. DSPFD is an example of this.

Another place to get help is in the variosu CHGxxx commands, on the 
individual parameters.

And all this stuff is well-documented in the manuals and at InfoCenter. 
you get to InfoCenter? Address is <www.iseries.ibm.com/infocenter>. Take 
the time to dig around. Look for the "Printing" topic in the menu on the 
left. You'll find everything about printing there. There's a Redbook 
Printing V - study it. There's a link called "Manage" - a link on its page 

is described as "Learn how to track and work with spooled files and print 
jobs on your iSeries system."

I wager that you can get your answers more reliably quickly by going to 
these sources than by asking here. Esp. on these very basic topics. 
an article flying around the Internet called (sort of) "How to Ask a Good 
Question". One of the suggestions is to say where you have looked already 
to show that you've done some homework. I believe you have done that, 
because you showed us the trail you followed. The tool you missed was the 
F1 key for help text.



At 01:27 AM 5/19/2004, you wrote:
>Grepp, when I looked at the values once again, I found
>The OUTQ specified in User profile was *WORKSTN
>The OUTQ specified in the Workstation was *DEV
>And the OUTQ specified in QPRTDEV was the name of a *OUTQ object in 
>QGPL.  The spool file that I sent was received into the outq specified in 

>QPRTDEV system value.
>I want to know what is the order in which the outq is searched for?
>As you have specified, if it was the outq specified in Userprofile, then 
>there it found the entry *WRKSTN, then it searched the entry in 
>workstation, found *DEV. (What does *DEV mean? What does it refer to?) 
>finally it settled for the value in QPRTDEV. Is that correct?
>date: Tue, 18 May 2004 16:03:06 -0700
>from: "Graap, Ken" <keg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>subject: RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq
>It is received into the *OUTQ specified on the user profile of the
>-----Original Message-----
>From: MK, Kumaravel (Cognizant) [mailto:mkumara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 3:49 PM
>To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: SNDNETSPLF and outq
>I sent a spool file on network to another user. Into which outq is this
>spool received?
>There are many places where the OUTQ is mentioned.
>1.      In the Userprofile definition.
>2.      In the Workstation.
>3.      In the QPRTDEV system value.
>This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing 
>To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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>Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
>at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 2
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 07:51:38 -0500
from: Vern Hamberg <vhamberg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Barcode on DOT-Matrix Printer??

IIRC, the BARCODE DDS keyword works on dot-matrix printers when you set 
PRTF to *AFPDS and use Host Print Transform. Check out the Printing V 
Redbook (easily found at the Printing topic in InfoCenter). HPT is managed 

at the device, so you can use the same PRTF for both printers.


At 06:31 AM 5/19/2004, you wrote:
>I search for a barcode solution for DOT-Matrix printers.
>Also it must supply PCL printers.
>Any idea???
>Martin Burgsmüller
>This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing 
>To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
>visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
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>Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
>at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 3
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 08:00:56 -0500
from: rick.baird@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: DFU Runtime


I assume that your menu is running a UPDDTA command instead of CHGDTA,

DFU runtime is just like any other utility/language - develop on 1 box,
save objects, run on another box

STRDFU and take option 2 - Create a DFU program.  taking all defaults will
produce a runtime program very much like those created by option 5 (or
UPDDTA), and there are a lot of other options to improve your DFUs.

creating a DFU program creates 2 objects: a *PGM and a *FILE (both with
subtype 'DFU') - the file is actually a display file.   save those objects
on the development box and restore on production.

Call the DFU runtime using the CHGDTA command.

as an aside, while DFU can very powerful and with practice, you can create
some pretty cool and very functional DFUs, they are possibly the #1
contributor to the myth that the as/400-iseries-i5 is old fashioned.  They
are not intuitive to use, offer very little in data validation and are 
plain UGLY.

but that's just my opinion.


--------original message-------
It seems like I something on the list at one time about being able to run
DFU as a runtime module on a machine that does not have the Application
Development Tools.  However, I can't find it anywhere in the archives.  My
problem is, we have moved our production to a second AS/400 and there are
a couple of DFU's on a menu for very simple updates.  We do not want to
rewrite these as RPG programs (My department used to be a staff of four
and we had temporary programmers coming in.  Now it's just me).  Isn't
there supposed to be some way to run DFU programs as a runtime without
needing Appication Tools?  If not it seems like it kind of defeats the

We are running a 620 on V4R4.

Gary S. Lea


message: 4
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 08:13:06 -0500
from: rick.baird@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use it!

IBM can't seem to decide on a name, so let's do it for them.

AsIsI5?  nah.  to effeminate....

any suggestions?


message: 5
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 06:19:12 -0700
from: "Graap, Ken" <keg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq 

I don't really know what the search order is. I bet with a little
experimentation you could figure that out though... If you are going to 
the SNDNETSPLF command to route print to users, I'd highly recommend that
you specify an *OUTQ on the recipient's user profile. That would eliminate
any confusion on where the spool file goes...


Kenneth E. Graap
IBM Certified Specialist 
AS/400e Professional System Administrator
NW Natural (Gas Services)
Phone: 503-226-4211 x5537
FAX:    603-849-0591

-----Original Message-----
From: MK, Kumaravel (Cognizant) [mailto:mkumara@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 11:28 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq 

Grepp, when I looked at the values once again, I found 
The OUTQ specified in User profile was *WORKSTN
The OUTQ specified in the Workstation was *DEV 
And the OUTQ specified in QPRTDEV was the name of a *OUTQ object in QGPL.
The spool file that I sent was received into the outq specified in QPRTDEV
system value. 
I want to know what is the order in which the outq is searched for? 
As you have specified, if it was the outq specified in Userprofile, then
there it found the entry *WRKSTN, then it searched the entry in 
found *DEV. (What does *DEV mean? What does it refer to?) And finally it
settled for the value in QPRTDEV. Is that correct?


date: Tue, 18 May 2004 16:03:06 -0700
from: "Graap, Ken" <keg@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: SNDNETSPLF and outq

It is received into the *OUTQ specified on the user profile of the


message: 6
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 09:19:18 -0400
from: michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use

In light of currect marketing for just about everything anymore, I
suggest eXtremeServer.

Extreme seems to be used for everything from bread to automobiles.

On Wed, 19 May 2004 08:13:06 -0500, rick.baird@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx said:
> IBM can't seem to decide on a name, so let's do it for them.
> AsIsI5?  nah.  to effeminate....
> any suggestions?
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http://www.fastmail.fm - One of many happy users:


message: 7
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 15:37:23 +0200
from: Martin Burgsm?ller <burgsmueller@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: AW: Barcode on DOT-Matrix Printer??

HPT with DDS keyword BARCODE only support pcl5... printers!


-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]Im Auftrag von Vern Hamberg
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2004 14:52
An: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Betreff: Re: Barcode on DOT-Matrix Printer??

IIRC, the BARCODE DDS keyword works on dot-matrix printers when you set 
PRTF to *AFPDS and use Host Print Transform. Check out the Printing V
Redbook (easily found at the Printing topic in InfoCenter). HPT is managed
at the device, so you can use the same PRTF for both printers.


At 06:31 AM 5/19/2004, you wrote:
>I search for a barcode solution for DOT-Matrix printers.
>Also it must supply PCL printers.
>Any idea???
>Martin Burgsmüller
>This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing 
>To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
>visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
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>Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
>at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.

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message: 8
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 09:50:58 -0400
from: "Adam Lang" <aalang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Re: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use

Extreme bread?  Is that eating the heel of the loaf?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <michaelr_41@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 9:19 AM
Subject: Re: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use it!

> In light of currect marketing for just about everything anymore, I
> suggest eXtremeServer.
> Extreme seems to be used for everything from bread to automobiles.


message: 9
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 09:52:53 -0400
from: "Zak Metz" <midrange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use

How about we all just ignore IBM and continue calling it the AS/400. I do!


message: 10
date: Wed, 19 May 2004 15:06:17 +0100
from: Emmanuel Zannis <emmanuel.zannis@xxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use

Why not S/38?

-----Original Message-----
From: Zak Metz [mailto:midrange@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 19 May 2004 2:53 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: RE: Let's give the box a name WE like, and force IBM to use it!

How about we all just ignore IBM and continue calling it the AS/400. I do!

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