I'll be out of the office Monday May 2, 2005 If this is urgent please contact 
the helpdesk.  


>>> midrange-l 04/29/05 14:47 >>>

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Today's Topics:

   1. RE: Special Authority *SERVICE (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
   2. RE: Special Authority *SERVICE (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
   3. RE: Special Authority *SERVICE (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
   4. CPYFRMIMPF and double delimiters
      (Goodbar, Loyd (ETS - Water Valley))
   5. RE: Special Authority *SERVICE (daparnin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
   6. Re: CPYFRMIMPF and double delimiters (rob@xxxxxxxxx)
   7. CWBPING ( PING by  port # ) in a CL program   
   8. RE: Special Authority *SERVICE (rob@xxxxxxxxx)


message: 1
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:41:39 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Half of those commands were commands commonly used in debugging a program. 
 Hopefully that level of access is no longer needed (it was a V4R3 source, 

I wonder if a clue would be anything with QSRV listed as having access

There is a WRKOBJOWN command but I don't see a WRKOBJUSR command.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"Eric Graeb" <egraeb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/29/2005 02:00 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Did a search on IBM and found these:
"OS/400 CL Reference V4R3"
9 topics have matches for: SERVICE special authority 
CHKCMNTRC (Check Communications Trace) Command, 3.1.341 
ADDPGM (Add Program) Command, 3.1.61 
CHGHLLPTR (Change High-Level Language Pointer) Command, 3.1.206 
CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable) Command, 3.1.278 
CHGPTR (Change Pointer) Command, 3.1.288 
DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable) Command, 3.1.760 
STRSST (Start System Service Tools) Command, 3.1.1265 
PRTUSRPRF (Print User Profile) Command, 3.1.957 
STRDBG (Start Debug) Command, 3.1.1218 

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:21 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Special Authority *SERVICE

I happened to notice that the security of a person who used to be in the
I.T. department still has the special authority of *SERVICE.  My hunch is
that they don't need this anymore.  What actually does this give them?
Access to SST?  Both the help text and Infocenter say "Service authority 
granted to this user.  The user can perform service functions."  That's
like saying my cat can walk on four legs because he has four legs.  I
didn't find anything in the archives.  Thanks.

This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing 
To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 2
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:42:39 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Then what department would most likely need *SERVICE, accounting?

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"John Earl" <john.earl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/29/2005 02:15 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"Midrange Systems Technical Discussion" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

The number of profiles (let alone users) with *SERVICE authority on any
given system should be relatively low.  If you can't think of a reason
why a person needs *SERVICE, remove it until a reason presents itself.

If the person is in IT, I would doubt that the reason ever presents


John Earl | Chief Technology Officer
The PowerTech Group
19426 68th Ave. S
Seattle, WA 98032
(253) 872-7788 ext. 302

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the message from your email system.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:midrange-l-
> bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of daparnin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 11:21 AM
> To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Special Authority *SERVICE
> I happened to notice that the security of a person who
> used to be in the
> I.T. department still has the special authority of
> *SERVICE.  My hunch is
> that they don't need this anymore.  What actually does
> this give them?
> Access to SST?  Both the help text and Infocenter say
> "Service authority is
> granted to this user.  The user can perform service
> functions."  That's
> like saying my cat can walk on four legs because he has
> four legs.  I
> didn't find anything in the archives.  Thanks.
> Dave Parnin
> Nishikawa Standard Company
> Topeka, IN  46571
> daparnin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> --
> This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
> (MIDRANGE-L) mailing list
> To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
> visit:
> http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
> or email: MIDRANGE-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Before posting, please take a moment to review the
> archives
> at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.

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message: 3
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:44:15 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Would be nice to see *SERVICE listed somewhere on

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755


message: 4
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 14:58:59 -0500
from: "Goodbar, Loyd (ETS - Water Valley)" <LGoodbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: CPYFRMIMPF and double delimiters

We're having an issue with CPYFRMIMPF, on V5R2. When we receive character
data such as "1 1/2"" 90 DEG ELL PVC SCH 80", only "1 1/2" appears in the
database file. I thought there was a PTF to fix this. This is a vendor's
standard extract file that we can't touch (remote SQL server system we don't
have access to). Any ideas?





Loyd Goodbar

Senior programmer/analyst


E/TS Water Valley




message: 5
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:13:22 -0500
from: daparnin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

This person should not be debugging programs.  I'm the one who would do
that or possibly my boss, and he would probably ask me to do it.  This
person works with EDI.  Eric's previous message said that it could be used
for a communications trace but that would still be stretching things quite
a bit for this person's job function.

Dave Parnin
Nishikawa Standard Company
Topeka, IN  46571

                      Sent by:                    To:       Midrange Systems 
Technical Discussion                
                      midrange-l-bounces@m         <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>    
                      idrange.com                 cc:                           
                                                  Subject:  RE: Special 
Authority *SERVICE                       
                      04/29/2005 02:41 PM                                       
                      Please respond to                                         
                      Midrange Systems                                          
                      Technical Discussion                                      

Half of those commands were commands commonly used in debugging a program.
 Hopefully that level of access is no longer needed (it was a V4R3 source,

I wonder if a clue would be anything with QSRV listed as having access

There is a WRKOBJOWN command but I don't see a WRKOBJUSR command.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"Eric Graeb" <egraeb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/29/2005 02:00 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Did a search on IBM and found these:

"OS/400 CL Reference V4R3"
9 topics have matches for: SERVICE special authority
CHKCMNTRC (Check Communications Trace) Command, 3.1.341
ADDPGM (Add Program) Command, 3.1.61
CHGHLLPTR (Change High-Level Language Pointer) Command, 3.1.206
CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable) Command, 3.1.278
CHGPTR (Change Pointer) Command, 3.1.288
DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable) Command, 3.1.760
STRSST (Start System Service Tools) Command, 3.1.1265
PRTUSRPRF (Print User Profile) Command, 3.1.957
STRDBG (Start Debug) Command, 3.1.1218

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:21 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Special Authority *SERVICE

I happened to notice that the security of a person who used to be in the
I.T. department still has the special authority of *SERVICE.  My hunch is
that they don't need this anymore.  What actually does this give them?
Access to SST?  Both the help text and Infocenter say "Service authority
granted to this user.  The user can perform service functions."  That's
like saying my cat can walk on four legs because he has four legs.  I
didn't find anything in the archives.  Thanks.

This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing
To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or change list options,
visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
or email: MIDRANGE-L-request@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.

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To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 6
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:15:03 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: Re: CPYFRMIMPF and double delimiters

dspf rob/borg.txt
 ************Beginning of data
"1 1/2"" of stuff",1 
 ************End of Data******


CPYFRMIMPF FROMSTMF('/rob/borg.txt')

select * from rob/borg 
MYTEXT                                  MYNBR 
1 1/2"" of stuff                            1 
********  End of data  ******** 

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"Goodbar, Loyd (ETS - Water Valley)" <LGoodbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/29/2005 02:58 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

CPYFRMIMPF and double delimiters

We're having an issue with CPYFRMIMPF, on V5R2. When we receive character
data such as "1 1/2"" 90 DEG ELL PVC SCH 80", only "1 1/2" appears in the
database file. I thought there was a PTF to fix this. This is a vendor's
standard extract file that we can't touch (remote SQL server system we 
have access to). Any ideas?





Loyd Goodbar

Senior programmer/analyst


E/TS Water Valley



This is the Midrange Systems Technical Discussion (MIDRANGE-L) mailing 
To post a message email: MIDRANGE-L@xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
at http://archive.midrange.com/midrange-l.


message: 7
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 16:17:40 -0400
from: jmoreno@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
subject: CWBPING ( PING by  port # ) in a CL program   

Hello all,

We need to run a chewck on specific port numbers every so often.

The Client Access - CWBPING facility will do this for us at V5R3

>From the "Windows Command Prompt" we can run the command . . . :  CWBPING 
servername /port:# ] 
and we just look at the results

However the requirement is to run as part of a CL program, to run in batch 
and to be able to read the "message results"

- - - - - - -

As a side note 

In the past we have used the TCP/IP API QtocLstNetCnn,  NCNN0100 Format
But we discovered that the information pertaining to the TCP/IP state is 
not reliable.
If the API tells me that it is listening, this does not guarantee a 


Your comments will be greatly appreciated 

Jorge Moreno
Overseas Military Car Sales
Woodbury, New York

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message: 8
date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:46:52 -0500
from: rob@xxxxxxxxx
subject: RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Oh, I agree with you, and the general idea that you should remove it and 
see if a need arises.

I just wondered if any programmer who did debugging would need *SERVICE 
authority on a newer box.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/29/2005 03:13 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>


RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

This person should not be debugging programs.  I'm the one who would do
that or possibly my boss, and he would probably ask me to do it.  This
person works with EDI.  Eric's previous message said that it could be used
for a communications trace but that would still be stretching things quite
a bit for this person's job function.

Dave Parnin
Nishikawa Standard Company
Topeka, IN  46571

                      Sent by:                    To:       Midrange 
Systems Technical Discussion 
                      midrange-l-bounces@m <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>       
                      idrange.com                 cc:   
                                                  Subject:  RE: Special 
Authority *SERVICE 
                      04/29/2005 02:41 PM   
                      Please respond to   
                      Midrange Systems   
                      Technical Discussion   

Half of those commands were commands commonly used in debugging a program.
 Hopefully that level of access is no longer needed (it was a V4R3 source,

I wonder if a clue would be anything with QSRV listed as having access

There is a WRKOBJOWN command but I don't see a WRKOBJUSR command.

Rob Berendt
Group Dekko Services, LLC
Dept 01.073
PO Box 2000
Dock 108
6928N 400E
Kendallville, IN 46755

"Eric Graeb" <egraeb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
04/29/2005 02:00 PM
Please respond to
Midrange Systems Technical Discussion <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

"'Midrange Systems Technical Discussion'" <midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

RE: Special Authority *SERVICE

Did a search on IBM and found these:

"OS/400 CL Reference V4R3"
9 topics have matches for: SERVICE special authority
CHKCMNTRC (Check Communications Trace) Command, 3.1.341
ADDPGM (Add Program) Command, 3.1.61
CHGHLLPTR (Change High-Level Language Pointer) Command, 3.1.206
CHGPGMVAR (Change Program Variable) Command, 3.1.278
CHGPTR (Change Pointer) Command, 3.1.288
DSPPGMVAR (Display Program Variable) Command, 3.1.760
STRSST (Start System Service Tools) Command, 3.1.1265
PRTUSRPRF (Print User Profile) Command, 3.1.957
STRDBG (Start Debug) Command, 3.1.1218

Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 1:21 PM
To: midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Special Authority *SERVICE

I happened to notice that the security of a person who used to be in the
I.T. department still has the special authority of *SERVICE.  My hunch is
that they don't need this anymore.  What actually does this give them?
Access to SST?  Both the help text and Infocenter say "Service authority
granted to this user.  The user can perform service functions."  That's
like saying my cat can walk on four legs because he has four legs.  I
didn't find anything in the archives.  Thanks.

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visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
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visit: http://lists.midrange.com/mailman/listinfo/midrange-l
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Before posting, please take a moment to review the archives
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End of MIDRANGE-L Digest, Vol 4, Issue 840

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