> but that extremely bright yellow light will not go out.  I 
> went into SST and cleared all the errors, reset any flags but 
> the light is still glowing brightly.  Any one know how to 
> turn it off... Without cutting it out?

Here's the entire PMR I had opened with IBM on this issue.  Please note that
this demonstrates that I can be a sarcastic SOB <g>

________________________ 05/11/10-14:25--FA ____________________________
IBM Rep Name: Smith, Melinda                                            
  (Problem Owner)                                                       
Regarding: Electronic creation by customer                              
   (Problem Description, to be read to the customer)                    
If there is a marketing opportunity, you can submit the lead at website:
Questions to ask Client: We want you to be VERY SATISFIED with          
the support which we have provided...                                   
-Have I answered your questions to your satisfaction?          _   (Y/N)
-Is there anything else I can do for you on this problem?      _   (Y/N)
-Do you have any other issues with the product or our service           
 that I can help you with or can get someone to help you with? _   (Y/N)
-May I close this call? Offer follow-up if appropriate.        _   (Y/N)
- THANK YOU FOR USING IBM!!                                    _   (Y/N)
________________________ 05/09/20-15:55--CE ____________________________
*** iSeries Entitled S9S8R7_I1S2E3R4I5E6S7                              
*** Electronic creation by customer. jlcrosby                           
*** Please contact customer by  requeueing PMR to NETRSP with response. 
*** Fax Number: (260) 426-0212                                          
Problem Details                                                         
 E-Mail: jlcrosby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                      
 System Attention Light                                                 
System Type: 9406                                                       
System Serial Number: 00366DE                                           
Operating System:  i5/OS V5R3                                           
Product Group:  OS/400 - LIC, IPL, DST/SST, MSD, RAID                   
PC console direct attach, no LPAR                                       
The system attention light is on on our i5 520 and I can't turn it      
off.  It was set on last week one morning during the backup because     
of shutting down the IXS card.  (It gets shut down every morning at     
4am for this backup so I have no idea why that day was different.)      
I go into STRSST and take the appropriate options to get to the         
service action log, but there is no F6 to turn it off.  Pressing F1     
for help talks about the function key to turn off the SA light, but     
does not identify it.                                                   
I have closed and deleted every error.  Still no F6 available, SA       
light still on.                                                         
I have tried it as QSECOFR and QSRV.  Standard session and console.     
________________________ 05/09/20-16:07--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/09/20-16:18--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
CUSTOMER REP:  Jeff Crosby                                              
PROBLEM:       No F6 to clear attention light.                          
ACTION TAKEN:  Jeff,  This is a known defect that is scheduled to       
               be fixed in the next firmware fix pack.  An IPL          
               of the system will clear the attention light if          
               all entries have been closed in the Service              
               Action Log.  Otherwise having the light on will          
               not harm anything.  I understand it does make            
               it difficult to determine if any new issues have         
               occurred.  To watch for the next firmware fix pack       
               you can go to the following URL:                         
               Thanks,  Melinda Smith                                   
ACTION PLAN:   RQ to NETRSP                                             
________________________ 05/09/20-16:23--CC ____________________________
action taken: e-mailed customer - fup                                   
action plan: notify customer of update                                  
________________________ 05/09/27-12:37--CC ____________________________
Action Taken:  Emailed customer - FUP                                   
Action Plan:   Notify customer of PMR closing 10/04/05.                 
________________________ 05/10/04-12:16--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Action Taken:  No update/response from customer.                        
Action Plan:   Route to INT to close.                                   
________________________ 05/10/04-14:50--CC ____________________________
Action Taken: Closing per customer and Melinda.                         
Action Plan:  CCwcc                                                     
________________________ 05/10/04-14:50--CN ____________________________
________________________ 05/10/06-12:06--AT ____________________________
***  PMR Re-opened electronically by customer.                          
Additional Information:                                                 
I have IPLed twice.  Last night I made SURE that the only item in       
the service action log was CLOSED.  I am still unable to turn off       
the system attention light.  How can I get that done?                   
________________________ 05/10/06-13:21--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/10/06-13:27--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Jeff. The defect with not seeing the "F6" is cleared up most of the time
with the ipl. Also when you go into the SAL make sure you set the date back
to 1970. An error might have been posted before the system time was
set. Also on power5 machines you can use ASM to turn off the            
________________________ 05/10/06-13:48--CC ____________________________
Customer Rep: Jeff                                                      
Action Taken: Notified customer PMR has been updated                    
Action Plan:  Email-fup                                                 
________________________ 05/10/06-14:13--AT ____________________________
***  Electronic update by customer.                                     
Additional Information:                                                 
1) What's ASM?                                                          
2) I can't go back to 1970.  It tells me "The 'FROM' date should be     
earlier than the 'TO' date."  I had to do it 1 year at a time.          
Even then it would not let me do 1971 at all.  See below screen         
                        Select Timeframe                                
 Type choices, Press Enter.                                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 01/01/71   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 00:00:00   HH:MM:SS                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 12/31/71   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 23:59:59   HH:MM:SS                             
  Display NEW entries only . . N   ( Y-yes,N-no )                       
 F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F12=Cancel                                  
 The 'FROM' date should be earlier than the 'TO' date.                  
I had to do 1971 a month at a time.  But it wouldn't let me do May      
1971.  See below screenshot:                                            
                        Select Timeframe                                
 Type choices, Press Enter.                                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 05/01/71   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 00:00:00   HH:MM:SS                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 05/31/71   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 23:59:59   HH:MM:SS                             
  Display NEW entries only . . N   ( Y-yes,N-no )                       
 F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F12=Cancel                                  
 The 'FROM' date should be earlier than the 'TO' date.                  
I had to do May 1971 one day at a time.  It wouldn't let me do May      
10 at all.  See screenshot:                                             
                        Select Timeframe                                
 Type choices, Press Enter.                                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 05/10/71   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 00:00:00   HH:MM:SS                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 05/10/71   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 23:59:59   HH:MM:SS                             
  Display NEW entries only . . N   ( Y-yes,N-no )                       
 F3=Exit     F5=Refresh     F12=Cancel                                  
 The 'FROM' date should be earlier than the 'TO' date.                  
This is bogus.                                                          
________________________ 05/10/06-15:28--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Sorry try this:                                                         
 Type choices, Press Enter.                                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 01/01/72   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 04:35:32   HH:MM:SS                             
   Date . . . . . . . . 10/06/05   MM/DD/YY                             
   Time . . . . . . . . 04:35:32   HH:MM:SS                             
  Display NEW entries only . . N   ( Y-yes,N-no )                       
If you find any please close them after review of the problems to find  
if they need action.                                                    
If this does not work you can turn off the light via the HMC or by      
connecting to the ASM menu on the eServer.                              
If you do not have an hmc this link shows shows you how to connect to   
If you have an hmc:                                                     
Once signed into ASM then expand:                                       
System Configuration                                                    
  - Service Indicators                                                  
     - System Attention Indicator.                                      
Select to turn off the attention light. The next release of FirmWare    
should have this resolved.                                              
________________________ 05/10/06-15:32--CC ____________________________
Customer Rep: Jeff                                                      
Action Taken: Notified customer PMR has been updated                    
Action Plan:  Email-fup                                                 
________________________ 05/10/06-16:06--AT ____________________________
***  Electronic update by customer.                                     
Additional Information:                                                 
I will check out the ASMI.  Looks like an indepth kind of thing at      
first perusal.                                                          
________________________ 05/10/06-17:48--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Customer Rep: Jeff Crosby                                               
Action Taken: Jeff,                                                     
              ASM is pretty easy.                                       
              1. First you'll need a PC or laptop that you can connect  
                 to the HMC1 port on the back of your server.           
              2. Configure the PC network settings to be address        
        with a subnet mask of       
              3. Connect your PC with an ethernet cable (it does not    
                 have to be a cross-over cable) to the HMC1 port.       
              4. Open a web browser to            
              5. Sign into ASM with user admin and password admin.      
              6. Expand the System Configuration menu.                  
              7. Expand the Service Indicators menu.                    
              8. Select the System Attention Indicator option.          
              9. Click the Turn Off System Attention Indicator button.  
              Best regards,                                             
              Steve Hershey                                             
              iSeries Software Support                                  
              Rochester Software Support Center                         
Action Plan:  Requeue to NETRSP                                         
________________________ 05/10/06-17:50--CC ____________________________
Action Taken:  Emailed customer - FUP.                                  
Action Plan:   Notify customer of update.                               
________________________ 05/10/06-18:04--AT ____________________________
***  Electronic update by customer.                                     
Additional Information:                                                 
Don't have any spare laptops lying around at the moment . . .           
________________________ 05/10/06-19:41--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
CUSTOMER REP: Jeff Crosby                                               
ACTION TAKEN: If you have manually answered all new entries             
              in the SAL then the next IPL should also turn off         
              the attention light.  If you can't use HMC, ASM, or       
              IPL then you will need to wait till next release of       
              firmware and the amber light will just stay on until      
              the new release of firmware is applied.                   
ACTION PLAN:  RQ to NETRSP.                                             
________________________ 05/10/06-19:44--CC ____________________________
Customer Rep: Jeff                                                      
Action Taken: Notified customer PMR has been updated                    
Action Plan:  Email-fup                                                 
________________________ 05/10/06-20:06--AT ____________________________
***  Electronic update by customer.                                     
Additional Information:                                                 
IPL doesn't do it.  That's why I reopened the PMR.                      
________________________ 05/10/06-20:28--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/10/06-20:30--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
CUSTOMER REP: Jeff Crosby                                               
ACTION TAKEN: Then you can dispatch a CE who can hook up                
              his laptop to get to ASMI and shut the light off.         
              Call 1-800-IBM-SERV and open a Hardware PMR to            
              dispatch the CE.                                          
ACTION PLAN:  RQ to NETRSP.                                             
________________________ 05/10/06-20:35--CC ____________________________
Action Taken:  Emailed customer - FUP.                                  
Action Plan:   Notify customer of update.                               
________________________ 05/10/13-12:38--CC ____________________________
action taken: e-mailed customer - fup                                   
action taken: notify customer of pmr closing 10/20/2005                 
________________________ 05/10/20-12:15--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
action taken: no response/update from customer                          
action plan: req to int to close                                        
________________________ 05/10/20-12:33--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Action Taken: RE for owner to close.                                    
Action Plan:  RQ w/delay.                                               
________________________ 05/10/25-13:24--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/10/25-13:38--CC ____________________________
CUSTOMER REP:  Jeff Crosby                                              
ACTION TAKEN:  Close Call no response from customer.                    
ACTION PLAN:   Close Call.                                              
________________________ 05/10/26-18:48--AT ____________________________
***  PMR Re-opened electronically by customer.                          
Additional Information:                                                 
I finally got a laptop to test ASM.  I got to the step of "Expand       
the System Configuration menu."  There is no such menu.                 
The only options I have are "Collapse all menus" with a - in front      
(which I assume means already collapsed) and "Login profile" with       
it's only option being "Change Password"                                
So now what?                                                            
________________________ 05/10/26-20:40--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Action Taken:                                                           
Once signed on the the ASMI as admin, if you select the square with the plus
in it next to the option System Configuration, it opens some more  
pull-down options, select square with the plus next to System           
Indicators, this opens a pull-down menu where you can select System     
Attention Indicator.                                                    
If you don't see these options when signed on as admin, then we have a  
problem.  Please confirm that you signed on as admin to the ASMI.       
You might try changing the password if its required (but it usually     
doesn't require that). If this doesn't work we will have to troubleshoot
an ASMI problem.                                                        
An alternate method is to use the HMC:                                  
Service Applications > Service Focal Point > Service Utilities >        
highlight your system unit > select Selected > System Attention LED >   
select a partition > select Action > Deactivate System Attention LED.   
Action Plan: RQ NETRSP                                                  
________________________ 05/10/26-20:42--CC ____________________________
Action Taken:  Emailed customer - FUP.                                  
Action Plan:   Notify customer of update.                               
________________________ 05/10/26-21:24--AT ____________________________
***  Electronic update by customer.                                     
Additional Information:                                                 
I changed the password and all was well after that.  I was able to      
turn off the system attention light.                                    
One more question:  Since I have turned the system attention light      
off in this fashion, is this a 'disabling' of the entire function?      
i.e. it will never come back on until I enable it?  Or was this the     
same as turning it off in SST?                                          
________________________ 05/10/26-22:08--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/10/26-22:09--CC ____________________________
CUSTOMER REP: Jeff Crosby                                               
ACTION TAKEN: Close Call                                                
ACTION PLAN:  Close Call customer resolved the problem.                 
________________________ 05/10/27-21:03--AT ____________________________
***  PMR Re-opened electronically by customer.                          
Additional Information:                                                 
Why did you close this call?  Evidently you didn't my entire last       
entry as I asked another question.                                      
________________________ 05/10/27-21:14--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/10/27-21:26--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
CUSTOMER REP: Jeff Crosby                                               
ACTION TAKEN: Sorry about closing the call.  Disabling the system       
              attention light through asmi will not disable the         
              The attention light will come on again if another         
              warning/error occurs.                                     
              A new version of firmware code has been release that      
              corrects this issue. MH00442 SF230_160.  This firmware    
              release requires you install v5r1 on the HMC.             
              Thanks, Melinda                                           
              Internals Support.                                        
ACTION PLAN:  RQ to NETRSP.                                             
________________________ 05/10/27-21:32--CC ____________________________
Customer Rep: Jeff                                                      
Action Taken: Notified customer PMR has been updated                    
Action Plan:  Email-fup                                                 
________________________ 05/10/27-21:36--AT ____________________________
***  Electronic update by customer.                                     
Additional Information:                                                 
I don't have an HMC.  I have a PC Console.                              
Do I just order PTF 5722999-MH00442 and apply?                          
________________________ 05/10/27-22:20--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/10/27-22:21--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
CUSTOMER REP:  Jeff Crosby                                              
ACTION TAKEN:  Yes.  Just get MH00442.                                  
ACTION PLAN:   RQ to NETRSP.                                            
________________________ 05/10/27-22:40--CC ____________________________
Action Taken:  Emailed customer - FUP.                                  
Action Plan:   Notify customer of update.                               
________________________ 05/11/03-14:00--CC ____________________________
action taken: e-mailed customer - fup                                   
action taken: notify customer of pmr closing 11/10/2005                 
________________________ 05/11/10-13:16--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
action taken: no response/update from customer                          
action plan: rq to int to close                                         
________________________ 05/11/10-13:26--CR ____________________________
 S7> COMPID= 9400DG300                                                  
Action Taken: RQ for owner close per last update.                       
Action Plan:  RQ for owner close.                                       
________________________ 05/11/10-14:25--CT ____________________________
 NO CONTACT IS REQUIRED                                                 
________________________ 05/11/10-14:25--CC ____________________________
CUSTOMER REP: Jeff Crosby                                               
ACTION TAKEN: Close Call no response from customer.                     
ACTION PLAN:  Close Call.                                               

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