I was going to suggest taking this over to the RPG list, but it sounds 
like this error could have just as easily happened in COBOL.

I don't seem to have that issue.
Table TESTTABLE in ROBBRUCE created but was not journaled.
1 rows inserted in TESTTABLE in ROBBRUCE. 
  A    PINK 

  5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
  03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      1
  Command  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   CRTBNDRPG
    Issued by  . . . . . . . . . . :     ROB
  Program  . . . . . . . . . . . . :   AA
    Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     ROB
  Text 'description' . . . . . . . :   *SRCMBRTXT
  Source Member  . . . . . . . . . :   AA
  Source File  . . . . . . . . . . :   QPGMSRC
    Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     ROB
    CCSID  . . . . . . . . . . . . :     37
  Text 'description' . . . . . . . :
  Last Change  . . . . . . . . . . :   03/05/07  10:10:01
  Generation severity level  . . . :   10
  Default activation group . . . . :   *YES
  Compiler options . . . . . . . . :   *XREF      *GEN       *NOSECLVL 
                                       *EXPDDS    *EXT       *NOSHOWSKP 
                                       *DEBUGIO   *EVENTF
  Debugging views  . . . . . . . . :   *LIST
  Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *PRINT
  Optimization level . . . . . . . :   *NONE
  Source listing indentation . . . :   *NONE
  Type conversion options  . . . . :   *NONE
  Sort sequence  . . . . . . . . . :   *HEX
  Language identifier  . . . . . . :   *JOBRUN
  Replace program  . . . . . . . . :   *YES
  User profile . . . . . . . . . . :   *USER
  Authority  . . . . . . . . . . . :   *LIBCRTAUT
  Truncate numeric . . . . . . . . :   *YES
  Fix numeric  . . . . . . . . . . :   *NONE
  Target release . . . . . . . . . :   *CURRENT
  Allow null values  . . . . . . . :   *NO
  Define condition names . . . . . :   *NONE
  Enable performance collection  . :   *PEP
  Profiling data . . . . . . . . . :   *NOCOL
  Licensed Internal Code options . :
  Generate program interface . . . :   *NO
  Include directory  . . . . . . . :
  Preprocessor options . . . . . . :   *NONE
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      2
Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications 
----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
Num Line  Date   Id  Number
                          S o u r c e   L i s t i n g
     1 FTESTTABLE UP   E             DISK    extfile('ROBBRUCE/TESTTABLE') 
                                      070305     000001
     2 F                                     INFDS(FTEST)        070305  
        *                               RPG name         External name     
        * File name. . . . . . . . . :  TESTTABLE ROBBRUCE/TESTTABLE      
        * Record format(s) . . . . . :  TESTR            TESTR      *
     3 D FTEST           DS                  LIKEDS(FILEINFDS)     070305  
     4  /INCLUDE ROUTINES/QRPGLESRC,FILEINFDS           070305     000004
        * RPG member name  . . . . . :  FILEINFDS   * 1
        * External name  . . . . . . :  ROUTINES/QRPGLESRC(FILEINFDS)      
           *                     1
        * Last change  . . . . . . . :  12/12/06  14:26:21            *    
        * Text 'description' . . . . :  File information data structure    
                    *                     1
     5+ /if not defined(FILEINFDS)  061212    1000001
     6+ /define FILEINFDS                                       061212 
                             050913    1000101
     8+ * File Information Data Structure        *      050913    1000102
     9+ * To use, use the following keyword on your 'F' spec (usually for 
dspf):  *                              050913    1000103
    10+ *           InfDS(FileInfDS)        * 050913    1000104
    11+ * For subsequent infds, use the following (Fil1 or Prt1) as:   *   
                        050913    1000105
    12+ * D Fil1            DS                  LikeDS(FileInfDS)        * 
                             050913    1000106
                             050913    1000107
    14+D FileInfDS       DS                                       050913  
    15+ * File Feedback Information  050913    1000109
    16+D  FilName               83     92        File name      050913 
    17+D  OpenInd                9      9N        1 = File open  050913 
    18+D  EOFInd                10     10N        1 = End of file  050913  
    19+D  FilSts                11     15S 0        File status  050913 
    20+D  OpCode                16     21        Operation code  050913 
    21+D  RPGRtn                22     29        RPG routine      050913  
    22+D  SrcLin                30     37        Source line      050913  
    23+D  SpclSts               38     42S 0        SPECIAL status  050913 
    24+D  RcdFmt               261    270        Record format      050913 
    25+D  FilMsgID              46     52        Error MSGID      050913  
    26+D  ScnSize               67     70S 0        Screen size X by Y    
050913    1000120
    27+D  KybdTyp               71     72S 0        Keyboard type  050913  
    28+D  DspTyp                73     74S 0        Display type  050913  
    29+D  FilMode               75     76S 0        Always set to 00   
050913    1000123
    30+ * Database Specific Feedback Information              050913 
    31+D  FRRN                 397    400I 0        File rel rec #  050913 
    32+ * Printer Specific Feedback Information             050913 1000126
    33+D  OflLin               188    189I 0        Overflow line  050913  
    34+D  CurLin               367    368I 0        Current line  050913  
    35+ * Display Specific Feedback Information             050913 1000129
    36+D  CFKey                369    369        Function key      050913  
    37+D  Csr_Row              370    370        Cursor row      050913 
    38+D  Csr_Col              371    371        Cursor column      050913 
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      3
Line   <---------------------- Source Specifications 
----------------------------><---- Comments ----> Do  Page  Change Src Seq
Num Line  Date   Id  Number
    39+D  SRRN                 376    377I 0        Subfile rel rec #   
050913    1000133
    40+D  MinSRRN              378    379I 0        Min subfile rel rec    
  050913    1000134
    41+D  MaxSRRN              380    381I 0        Max subfile rel rec    
  050913    1000135
    42+ /endif                                       061212    1000200
    43  /IF DEFINED(BS)                                       070305 
            LINES EXCLUDED: 37
    44  /ENDIF                                       070305     000053
    45  /free                                       070305     000054
    46=ITESTR                                                 2000001
        * RPG record format  . . . . :  TESTR                           *  
        * External format  . . . . . :  TESTR : ROBBRUCE/TESTTABLE     *   
    47=I                             A    1    1  MYKEY    2000002
    48=I                             A    2   16  MYDATA    2000003
    49   myDATA='PINK';                                       070305 
    50   update testr;                                       070305 000056
    51  /end-free                                       070305     000057
    52=OTESTR                                                 3000001
        * RPG record format  . . . . :  TESTR                           *  
        * External format  . . . . . :  TESTR : ROBBRUCE/TESTTABLE     *   
    53=O                       MYKEY                1A CHAR        1       
    54=O                       MYDATA              16A CHAR       15       
       * * * * *   E N D   O F   S O U R C E   * * * * *
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      4
          A d d i t i o n a l   D i a g n o s t i c   M e s s a g e s
 Msg id  Sv Number Seq     Message text
 * * * * *   E N D   O F   A D D I T I O N A L   D I A G N O S T I C   M E 
S S A G E S   * * * * *
                 O u t p u t   B u f f e r   P o s i t i o n s
Line   Start End   Field or Constant
Number Pos   Pos
    53     1     1 MYKEY
    54     2    16 MYDATA
 * * * * *   E N D   O F   O U T P U T   B U F F E R   P O S I T I O N   * 
 * * * *
                            / C o p y   M e m b e r s
Line   Src  RPG name   <-------- External name -------> CCSID  <- Last 
change ->
Number Id              Library    File       Member            Date Time
     4    1 FILEINFDS  ROUTINES   QRPGLESRC  FILEINFDS     37  12/12/06 
         * * * * *   E N D   O F   / C O P Y   M E M B E R S   * * * * *
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      5
                          C r o s s   R e f e r e n c e
      File and Record References:
         File              Device             References (D=Defined)
         TESTTABLE         DISK                    1D
           TESTR                                   1D     46      50 52
      Global Field References:
         Field             Attributes         References (D=Defined 
*RNF7031 CFKEY             A(1)                   36D
*RNF7031 CSR_COL           A(1)                   38D
*RNF7031 CSR_ROW           A(1)                   37D
*RNF7031 CURLIN            I(5,0)                 34D
*RNF7031 DSPTYP            S(2,0)                 28D
*RNF7031 EOFIND            N(1)                   18D
*RNF7031 FILEINFDS         DS(400)                 3      14D
*RNF7031 FILMODE           S(2,0)                 29D
*RNF7031 FILMSGID          A(7)                   25D
*RNF7031 FILNAME           A(10)                  16D
*RNF7031 FILSTS            S(5,0)                 19D
*RNF7031 FRRN              I(10,0)                31D
         FTEST             DS(400)                 2       3D
*RNF7031 KYBDTYP           S(2,0)                 27D
*RNF7031 MAXSRRN           I(5,0)                 41D
*RNF7031 MINSRRN           I(5,0)                 40D
         MYDATA            A(15)                  48M     49M     54
         MYKEY             A(1)                   47M     53
*RNF7031 OFLLIN            I(5,0)                 33D
*RNF7031 OPCODE            A(6)                   20D
*RNF7031 OPENIND           N(1)                   17D
*RNF7031 RCDFMT            A(10)                  24D
*RNF7031 RPGRTN            A(8)                   21D
*RNF7031 SCNSIZE           S(4,0)                 26D
*RNF7031 SPCLSTS           S(5,0)                 23D
*RNF7031 SRCLIN            A(8)                   22D
*RNF7031 SRRN              I(5,0)                 39D
      Indicator References:
         Indicator                            References (D=Defined 
       * * * * *   E N D   O F   C R O S S   R E F E R E N C E   * * * * *
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      6
                      E x t e r n a l   R e f e r e n c e s
      Statically bound procedures:
         Procedure                            References
         No references in the source.
      Imported fields:
         Field             Attributes         Defined
         No references in the source.
      Exported fields:
         Field             Attributes         Defined
         No references in the source.
   * * * * *   E N D   O F   E X T E R N A L   R E F E R E N C E S   * * * 
* *
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      7
                          M e s s a g e   S u m m a r y
 Msg id  Sv Number Message text
*RNF7031 00     47 The name or indicator is not referenced.
       * * * * *   E N D   O F   M E S S A G E   S U M M A R Y   * * * * *
 5722WDS V5R4M0  060210 RN        IBM ILE RPG             ROB/AA  GDISYS  
03/05/07 10:10:03        Page      8
                            F i n a l   S u m m a r y
  Message Totals:
    Information  (00) . . . . . . . :       47
    Warning      (10) . . . . . . . :        0
    Error        (20) . . . . . . . :        0
    Severe Error (30+)  . . . . . . :        0
    ---------------------------------  -------
    Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . :       47
  Source Totals:
    Records . . . . . . . . . . . . :       54
    Specifications  . . . . . . . . :       35
    Data records  . . . . . . . . . :        0
    Comments  . . . . . . . . . . . :       11
         * * * * *   E N D   O F   F I N A L   S U M M A R Y   * * * * *
Program AA placed in library ROB. 00 highest severity. Created on 03/05/07 
at 10:10:04.
          * * * * *   E N D   O F   C O M P I L A T I O N * * * * *

Rob Berendt

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