I don't know much about the .pac personally but I do use a .pac file to
allow me to connect my laptop to my home network and my office network
without having to change proxy settings.
The contents of that file is:
function FindProxyForURL(url, host)
if (isInNet(myIpAddress(), "", ""))
return "PROXY";
return "DIRECT";
Some links I found:
There is a gotcha that I have encountered.
IE. If you require any proxy advanced settings you may have issues.
Norm Dennis
-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Richard ECUYER
Sent: Friday, 6 April 2007 5:55 PM
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: Proxy and .pac
Hi group,
I use socket from the iserie to send http request outside.
For one specific server, i must use a proxy or a .pac config file.
Can someone point me to one site or somewhere i can found some
informations about that ?
I know nothing about proxy and .pac files, and it will be great if i can
read something about the theory and tools to do that from the iserie.
Thank's in advance.
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