Was there updated material in the sessions?
New sessions on latest stuff?
Pretty much the usual mixture I think. I had a new one on PHP for RPGers
and there were many other new sessions in the Course of Study that I was
responsible for this conference.
Of course as is normal at many conferences there are always folks who will
change the name to make a session look "new" while most of the material is
fundamentally the same. I prefer to update the content while keeping the
title the same if the basic aim of the session remains the same.
More hands on or lab sessions?
Lab sessions are down. There just aren't enough people going to them. Even
those that are "full" only have 30 folks in the room - not the 60 - 90 we
used have with three people sharing a workstation. The WDSC/HATS open labs
were very popular as were a few others but I'm less and less convinced that
running labs is worth the time and effort. Perhaps if COMMON got rid of
labs altogether at the annual conference they/IBM could afford to equip all
the rooms at the new Fall workshop event with PCs. Right now it is a shared
Lab environment which is why I opted not to submit any sessions for the
Jon Paris
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