Rob and list,
Interesting Mark. Here we have this job (that you might have seen) that
Thanks Rob. I think I dodged the bullet on that program although I seem to
remember Troy talking about it.
Troy reads a file of libraries and copies the records over via OVRDBF.
I may just rewrite our program, wait to see what date range is selected,
then do overrides from within the program and only select the member(s)
needed. Long term, that would probably be the best. The program I'm
working with was written in 1992, but with all the enhancements it has had
throughout the years, it might just be time to start from the ground up
again. I recently found out a dirty word here - qcmdexec! <vbg>
The more I think about this, this will likely be the way to go. The user
will only want one company at a time, and will likely only be needing data
across 2 years at most, meaning just two members to work with. If the user
selects another company and date range, I'll just rebuild the file.
Personally I think it needs a rewrite. Right now it causes so many IOs
that Mimix was over 16 million transactions behind.
This job shouldn't effect Mimix for us, fortunately.
Mark Plank
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