Get to command line & key in WRKSYSVAL
If you chose *PRINT
the report lists them all, with brief summary label what they are for
If you can find your WORK manual, all of them are discussed in detail there.
There's also a pal on this list who can send you a hand out from a COMMON
review of them
If you view them on-line, there are options to access help on each one to
explain the alternative options (5 to view then F1 to explain). These
values are the business rules for your operating system. They should only
be changed with the approval of top computer management.
Those system values are for 100% of our users.
We have ours set so that a DSC session actually goes away after 90 minutes
unless we kill it, so that we can reconnect people who X out by mistake,
like when they go to lunch, while an inactive session NEVER gets killed.
When people connections break it is invariably because
(a) the problem is with a time-out in the PC connection
(b) people confuse communication lag with actual software lock up
(c) PC's lack the "gas" for the load placed upon them
(d) PC's fail to get appropriate housekeeping (defrag, anti-spyware, etc.)
often enough
We have taught some users how to adjust their Client Access settings so
that if they "lose" one connection, they can get a replacement one ...
which has led to a lot of old addresses we need to delete from time to
time, and the various related work areas.
Did you check the system values that Richard Ecuyer mentioned,
wrksysval QINACTITV and display the contents
as well as
wrksysval QINACTMSGQ
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