On 22/11/2007, at 6:52 AM, Bruce Collins wrote:
You comment was not needed. My question was address by other who were
very helpful. You on the other hand responded because you choose to
you had a higher understanding of the subject and not out of help. How
did your quip explain my question? It did not!
If you read my response completely you'll see your question was
answered properly.
Further, the point about looking for an object is relevant. The
number of iSeries programmer's who have no concept of the features,
or indeed the very nature, of the system on which they work is
Just because your application experience may lead you to store stuff
in files doesn't mean the OS does the same thing. While it is true
that some OS functions store information in files (e.g., TCP
configuration) much of the OS information is stored in objects of
various types. If you understood that you would be in better position
to solve your own problem. Usual adage about fish and feeding applies
Finally, your question was a waste of bandwidth because, like so many
others, it could have been answered by a simple search of the archives.
I would ask for the future not to respond to a question I might ask on
this list.
Fine. They say ignorance is bliss. I'll leave you blissful from now on.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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