We've saved spool files (using V5R2) for historical purposes for quite
some time - time & attendance for example.
Yes, we've done SNDNETSPLF between systems too and losing the original
job info has never been a problem for us.
My point was that people need to evaluate their specific environment
before saying "Well.... if Rob does it maybe I should too". Like you
said about the space issue discussed earlier today - you have a
different perspective than a number of people on this list.
rob@xxxxxxxxx 11/30/2007 11:33:38 AM >>>
Name one.
If it's so important, the data should be backed up on a regular basis.
And, for most people, that meant data stored in a database, and they
backed up the contents of output queues.
Ever do a full system recovery? If you have, were you able to recover
spool files (before V5R4)?
I've done lots of full system recoveries. Most times I never restored
spool files. On the rare occasions that I did it was via some
procedure like
- Using SNDNETSPLF to send to another machine.
- Using SNDNETSPLF to send them back after the upgrade. (Original job
infor is lost. And if done wrong so is WRKSPLF and associating it with
the original generator.
Rob Berendt
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