On 04/03/2008, at 8:02 AM, Bruce Vining wrote:
I noticed it and certainly do not consider this an improvement :(
I sent Feedback essentially stating the same as in my original
append. Here is the response. Somewhat encouraging.
Currently, the way the System i search works is by requesting
information from many different sources and then pulling them
together for each search request.
The changes that you are seeing are unfortunate, but not surprising
as some of the sites (mainly the Information Centers sites) have
recently changed their scope of information. We have identified the
issues and are working towards a solution.
In the meantime, please try using the additional search filtering
options available after the search results have been sent. This
might trim down the hits and give you more relevant information in
Again, we are aware of the issue and are working on a solution. Very
sorry for any inconvenience this will cause you until the solution is
out the door.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
Phone: +61 2 6657 8251 Mobile: +61 0411 091 400 /"\
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