Not sure what you mean by a downlevel server.
Tomcat 5.0, 5.5 and 6.0 all run on the iSeries. Tomcat 6.0 is most
Works fine for serving up JSP applications as well as web services.
Websphere Community Edition (AKA Apache Geronimo Works Too.)
Richard Schoen
RJS Software Systems Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
message: 7
date: Wed, 5 Mar 2008 15:48:20 -0800
from: "Josh Diggs" <JDiggs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: RE: I am in a Holy War about webserving from a System i
As far as being difficult to set up, I believe there are two flavors of
application server that are supported (hence relatively easy to set up
because you can always ask IBM if you get stuck). I've used apache with
tomcat to serve up jsp pages with no real problems. This is a downlevel
server however, so I would probably look at WebSphere community edition
or whatever it is called.
Hope this helps,
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