I know what its like to be put on an XML project with no XML experience.
I tried 2 RPG-XML products, Krengel Tech's RPG-XML Suite and PATownsend's XM/400. I found that XML/400 was easier to work with. All you have to do is create an incoming and/or outgoing map, then populate the DB2/400 database files and then run a command or two.
My project involved creating an XML file to send to a partner to check for ECS compliance and then receiving a response XML file, parsing the response XML file to DB2/400 database files. Then reading those files into a program and holding orders based on the response.
Gary McDowell
Alfa Aesar, A Johnson Matthey Company
(978) 521-6429
"RWMunday" <RWMunday@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> 4/14/2008 10:32 PM >>>
I am being put on a new project with the client which involves XML and
processing payments from their website. Nothing like being put on a project
for stuff I have never used. I can learn, however. I'm sure my RPG
knowledge will aid them in this endeavour.
I ordered the XML book from Midrange Press and it will be waiting for me
when I arrive home on Friday afternoon. Until then, where can I go for an
overview of XML with RPG on the i5?
Robert Munday
Munday Software Consultants
Montgomery, AL
on assignment in Columbia, SC
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