Hi Walden
This is correct - I've used BRMS to save IFS data to a TSM server running on
a p.
Given that it is the IFS it is even slower (!) than a normal TSM save.
Managing the exclude lists if you have any is best done from the i Navigator
BRMS GUI. From memory I think the excludes in BRMS need two pairs of single
quotes - using the GUI will show this for you.
Evan Harris
-----Original Message-----
From: midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Walden H. Leverich
Sent: Tuesday, 12 August 2008 2:39 a.m.
To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
Subject: BRMS to TSM and the IFS
I want to confirm something. BRMS (V5R4) _will_ backup IFS to a TSM
server, correct? I'm aware of the problems w/TSM on i, and the fact
that's it's useless for sstem backups, but for daily user-data backups
it will get both classic (QSYS) and IFS data, correct? (Rob??)
Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x3051
http://www.TechSoftInc.com <
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