John P. Walsh wrote:
My qhst files are out of control and it is much too cumbersome to
delete in green screen with Option 4. Where do I find them in
Navigator and can I select them like pc files to delete a large
number of them?
Not sure about Navigator, but...
On a Windows PC you could just map a drive to the /root and drill
down into /QSYS.LIB then use Explorer to click on the first file in the
list to delete, then shift-click on the last to delete thus highlighting
the subset of the list to act on, then press the delete key and confirm
the request. That is, "select them like PC files to delete...."
I prefer deleting by generic name at a command line since the file
naming is conducive. Once a naming prefix is determined as eligible to
be deleted from the entire list, according to the dates which the files
represent, issue requests something like the following to trim the list
while leaving a subset of more recently created history files:
DLTF QSYS/QHSTxycb* /* here, QHSTxycc* & newer remain */
WRKOBJPDM QSYS QHST* *FILE can also be nice to use. As I recall you
can position to the bottom and page up to the last file that should be
kept, put option 12=work with members on that file but do not press
Enter, then reposition to the top of the list, type 4=delete on the
first file in the list, then F13 to repeat the option-4. With that
action, IIRC, the option-4 for delete file will be repeated up to the
file with option-12 specified; reposition there and verify the last
repeated 4=delete stops just before that file... and if so, then blank
out the 12, and press Enter, optionally review the list of files being
confirmed for delete, then press Enter again to confirm [this of course
assumes the confirm feature is enabled].
Regards, Chuck
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