Pete Helgren wrote:
Posted as somewhat a redundant reply & information, but may provide
more clarification or just fodder for more questions.
So, am I correct in assuming that
if the keys were in the order in the DDS I had defined, when an *RPG*
program read them, it would be in the order that the keys were defined
in (as long as K was in the F spec)?
There are /direct/, /keyed/, and /sequential/ access methods. The
RPG HLL program can use any of those. A query can use any of those
methods, even concurrently in combination. When an RPG program defines
the file with the K, the retrieval is by the keyed order defined by the
file in the F-Spec [as defined at compile-time, with whatever assorted
impacts for the keyed file or ODP accessed at run-time].
Is that also true for logicals?
Same deal as with the physicals.
That is, the ONLY time the keys are determining the "order" of the
records is when they are read through RPG?
Not just via RPG, but when retrieved via the /keyed access method/ by
any interface to the database. Except by a database query ODP, e.g.
generated by OPNQRYF, the keyed access method is not visibly manifest to
a program outside of RLA methods. For non-RLA methods, the data is
merely FETCHed, which is actually a sequential method, and retrieval by
FETCH may be implemented as some type of sort versus any index.
Then I would expect that if I opened a physical file in Query OR
opened any associated logical in Query, the records would display in
arrival sequence regardless of how the DDS was defined in either the
logical or physical file?
The only expectation of the query should be to get the correct data
according to selection; i.e. the set. Any expectation for ordering
should be with respect to the ORDER BY [or /sort fields/ in a *QRYDFN
object, or KEYFLD() for reading an ODP created by OPNQRYF,] that is
specified on the query request; i.e. the set, ordered as requested. A
database /query/ request is for a /set/ of rows. By itself, a _set_ has
no order, but a set can be ordered. Without an explicit request to
order the results, the /set/ is unordered, such that the /order/ of rows
is unpredictable. Thus why earlier it was noted that not even the
/arrival sequence/ can be assumed, regardless if testing seems to
suggest that the order of returned rows appear consistent; that would be
an assumption based upon a *false* inference.
If so, that is new information for me.
I thought DDS had broader implications than just in RPG programs.
The implication is broad, for whatever interface enables reference to
the defined keys. Most notable is various other HLLs which also provide
a Keyed Access method. Although a database query _can access_ the
defined key, and *may* even reference & use the index for retrieval, the
query has no requirement to do so. The query often _will not use_ the
index, even if the ORDER BY or KEYFLD requests the same order as defined
in an existing index; even for a query against an LF which defines the
index with keys matching the ordering request. So although that
implication is more broad than just RPG, that does not enable any
possible inference for implementation on data retrieval, other than for
Keyed Row Level Access; i.e. as provided by RPG and other HLLs.
Regards, Chuck
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