5722ST1 is not there.
Object STRSQL in QSYS type *CMD not found.
We are short on pgmr utilities here. Current [and previous] CIO is Web/PC - no IBM experience that I know of. We have a good sized IT staff, but only 6 of us who program on the 400. One of us has been pretty vocal lately with the new CIO hoping to get us current with releases, utilities, etc. I don't know how much luck he's had.
I'll just plod along so I can get some tools 'my users' desperately need - quickly - that is presentable to them and acceptable from my supv's standpoint.
I've got half a day to get a form ready and write documentation - then onto 'more important' stuff.
Thanks for your help.
Fran Denoncourt
Sr. Programmer/Analyst
Pinal County Treasurer's Office
Florence, AZ 85232
(520) 866-6404
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<rob@xxxxxxxxx> 08/28/2008 7:21 AM >>>
No STRSQL command for this release?
Could be a security thing.
Start with: DSPSFWRSC. Do you have 5722ST1? If so then either the sicko
secured the command STRSQL in QSYS, or renamed it. Common rename
technique would be STRSQLx. Do NOT try WRKOBJ STRSQL*. Because if they
secured it, and you do not have *ALLOBJ it won't show. Instead, try
DSPOBJD QSYS/STRSQL *CMD. That command will tell you that you are not
authorized if you are secured out.
If they are trying security, then they mucked it up, as you can tell by
the presence of the command in the two previous version libraries.
Rob Berendt
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