Murphy, Mark wrote:
But by default my current directory is my home directory as specified in my user profile, so unless
you have explicitly changed that, WRKLNK displays your home directory.
That's like saying "WRKOBJ CUSTMAS will show where the CUSTMAS File is
in located in the QUSRLIBL system value's library list."
Because "unless you have explicitly changed that", WRKOBJ will show
what's in the *SYSVAL library list.
While that may be true, many people change their library list. Many
people set up job descriptions that change their library list. Many
people run the EDTLIBL command, or CHGLIBL command or ADDLIBLE, etc.
Assuming that your current library list will always be the same as the
*SYSVAL is folly.
Likewise, assuming your current directory will always be the same as
your home directory is folly.
Even worse, if you haven't yet created your home directory, your current
directory will start out in / (the root directory) which is certainly
not your home directory.
Granted, a lot fewer people in the i Community change their current
directory than their library list -- because a lot fewer people people
in the i Community use the IFS than use native applications!
But as someone who DOES use the IFS a lot, I get very tired of people's
programs being wrong, or people's instructions being wrong, because they
simply assume that your current directory is your home directory. Or
they simply assume that your current directory is the root directory.
They don't distinguish between these things because they read stuff on
mailing lists, etc, that says stuff like "You can use WRKLNK to see your
home directory" and they take it at face value.
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