.....poking around more:
slide 47
DB2 Storage Engine for MySQL (IBMDB2I)
• Requirements:
– MySQL version 5.1.26
• NOTE: Installation requires both a PASE component as well as an
ILE component (made available thorugh a PTF)
• Starting MySQL and installing the IBMDB2I storage engine plugin:
– bin/mysqld_safe&
– bin/mysql –u root
– INSTALL PLUGIN ibmdb2i SONAME 'ha_ibmdb2i.so";
DB2 Storage Engine for MySQL (IBMDB2I)
• MySQL identifiers are stored in DB2 with outer quotes to preserve
case sensitivity.
create table db1.sales (orderno int) engine = ibmdb2i;
– The above creates the DB2 table"sales" in schema "db1".
• The IBMDB2I storage engine will not recognize tables and indexes
that are pre-created directly into DB2.
• MySQL will not recognize DB2 initiated attributes on the tables,
such as DB2 triggers, constraints, and indexes for which MySQl
has no awareness.
• A MySQL to drop a schema will cause DB2 to drop its
corresponding schema, including both MySQL and any non-MySQL
objects that wre created into the schema.
On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 3:46 PM, Dan Kimmel <dkimmel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Poking around on the internet, I found this link
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