From: "Rick.Chevalier"
Currently we use APD from IBM ...
APD from IBM? Then you're looking to access 5250 screens and commands. If at some point you're looking to launch and access ILE or URL based Web applications, then you might consider a Web portal. I'm the author of one that applies many of the concepts implemented in APD.
For example, the entry point to the portal is a list of work areas that users are authorized to. Work areas define library lists, job descriptions, and other environmental parameters that applications run under. And work areas link to the menu system.
The menu system combines a scrollable list of sub-menus and menu items with a navigational bar. The navigational bar assists with navigating back up the menu tree, in the event that users drill down a menu / sub-menu path. There's no limit to the number of nested sub-menus you might define, though there may be a practical limit that users will tolerate.
In the event that users launch multiple applications, or multiple instances of the same application, I use a drop-down list to toggle between currently active applications. There's no defined limit to the number of application panels that users may activate or toggle between.
User authority and availability to work areas, menus, menu items, and application options are configurable, somewhat comparable to APD.
And there are screens for defining applications, data entry forms and associated help tips, and secure options. And an API for determining user and group authority to secure options.
In an earlier version, I kept track of user favorites and history, but haven't quite got around to that in my new version.
A number of users have embedded the tn5250j applet into an HTML page and used the portal to launch & toggle between sessions.
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