Not sure what your developer means by Native Database Access.
However if you're programming in .Net, use the iSeries Access ADO.Net
database driver.
You can use ODBC, OLEDB or ADO.Net, however ADO.Net is the best to use.
If you have access to iSeries Access V6R1, use this version of the
Richard Schoen
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-----Original Message-----
message: 6
date: Thu, 4 Dec 2008 09:20:58 -0600
from: "Lim Hock-Chai" <Lim.Hock-Chai@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: VB Native Data Access on i-series database
I was in a meeting yesterday and one of the VB developer mentioned that
VB has some type of Native Database Access function that can access data
in Oracle and MS Sequal Server database without using ODBC. He said
that this Native Database Access is much fast than ODBC and it is not
available for i-series database. I'm not familiar with VB and just want
to see if anybody know if there is a way to make this Native DataBase
Access to work on iseries.
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