On V5R4 I'm getting 1. Can someone please try:
select week_iso(date('12/29/08')) from sysibm/sysdummy1
on their machine and let me know what they get.
This is what I get on a V5R4 box - same issue on green screen or INav:
select week_iso(date('12/29/08')) from sysibm.sysdummy1
SQL State: 01565
Vendor Code: 802
Message: [SQL0802] Data conversion or data mapping error. Cause . . . . . :
Error type 10 has occurred. Error types and their meanings are: 1 --
Arithmetic overflow. 2 -- Floating point overflow. 3 -- Floating point
underflow. 4 -- Floating point conversion error. 5 -- Not an exact result. 6
-- Numeric data that is not valid. 7 -- Double-byte character set (DBCS) or
UTF-8 data that is not valid. 8 -- Division by zero. 9 -- Hash value cannot
be computed for the requested query. 10 -- User-defined function returned a
mapping error. 11 -- Not valid length found in a varying-length column
returned from an array result set. 12 -- Result of a concatenation operation
on a varying-length field exceeded the maximum allowed length of the result
type. If the error occurred when assigning a value to a host variable of a
FETCH, embedded SELECT, SET, or VALUES INTO statement, the host variable
name is *N and the relative position of the host variable in the INTO clause
is 1. If the host variable name is *N, the error occurred when attempting to
resolve a search condition. If more than one data mapping error occurred,
this is a description of the first error that occurred. For a description
of any other data mapping errors, see the previously listed messages in the
job log. Recovery . . . : The error was caused by data that was not valid
or that was too large. Look at the previously listed messages in the job
log (DSPJOBLOG command) or press F10 (Display messages in job log) on this
display to determine what row and columns were involved in the error.
Correct the data and then try the request again.
Statement ran successfully, with warnings (140 ms)
Looking at the joblog for the QZDASOINIT jobs reveals:
(besides this gives you a minor crash course in swedish as well :) )
Mer information om meddelandet
Meddelande-ID . . . . : CPD5036
Skickat, datum . . . . : 09-01-06 Skickat, tid . . . . . :
Meddelande . . : Data mapping error on member SYSDUMMY1.
Cause . . . . . : A data mapping error occurred on field
WEEK_ISO(0:1:(Cast((ISO Date/Time formatting)(Cast((ISO Date/Time
formatting)ReferenceVar(0), Char Var Len, max = 8 Pad(x40,x4040)) AS
Date) AS Char Fixed Len 10 Pad(x40,x4040))) in record number 1, record
format *FIRST, member number 1, in member SYSDUMMY1 file SYSDUMMY1 in
library SYSIBM, because of error code 28. The error codes and their
26 -- For the CAST operation, a source character was found that is not
27 -- For the CAST operation, the character destination field is too
to hold all the significant digits of the source.
28 -- User-defined function WEEK_ISO returned a mapping error.
29 -- Java user-defined function with external name WEEK_ISO returned a
mapping error.
30 -- For an identity column, the range of values has been exhausted.
31 -- For a rowid column, the value is not valid.
32 -- The total length of the fields of the file is greater than
33 -- The resulting length of a concatenation operation involving a
varying-length field exceeded the maximum allowed length for the result
34 -- The data could not be converted from or to a UTF-8 or UTF-16
The expansion of single-byte data to a double-byte value caused the
converted length to be larger than the maximum length the result could
Best regards
Stefan Tageson
AddconIT AB
Cell : +46 (0) 732 36 99 34
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