On 03/12/2009, at 7:46 AM, Neill Harper wrote:
This is all really interesting stuff, I have only been an RPG
developer for
2 and a half years, and still have a lot to learn.
I wasn't aware that programs could have optional parameters, I
thought that
this was only procedures?
Nope. Depends on the language implementation so RPG, MI Assembler, and
C can have optional parameters although they provide different
mechanisms for determining how many parameters were passed. CL cannot
although CLLE can but there is no direct language support for
determining the number of parameters passed. COBOL can accept optional
parameters but provides no way to determine how many were passed.
If the caller passes an operational descriptor then the CEE APIs can
be used to determine whether a parameter was passed or not.
MI programs set the range between a user-defined minimum and the
maximum specified.
HLL OPM programs set the number of parameters to either the maximum
specified or to a range between 0 and the maximum if optional
parameters are supported.
ILE programs (except COBOL) always set the number of parameters to a
range between 0 and 255. COBOL sets a range between 0 and the maximum
Also I always thought (and this may have been tainted by my c#
days...) that references to parameters were placed on the stack by the
caller and scooped up off the stack by the callee. If it wasn't on
the stack
then the callee would assume it was null?
That's a push-pop sort of thing but really there's no pop on OS/400.
The parameters on the stack are simply addressed not removed. Thus
when a new call is made it will overlay parameters already on the
stack. If the receiving program has no method to determine how many
parameters were actually passed then it can inadvertently address
stuff left on the stack from a previous call. For example, a PGM-A
calls PGM-B with 4 parameters then PGM-A calls PGM-C with 2
parameters. In this case it is possible, but not always, that PGM-C
could address the 3rd and 4th parameters from the call the PGM-B.
I don't know how C# handles unpassed arguments and since it doesn't
run under OS/400 I don't care either. However, I doubt it assumes
null--I suspect you'll get "undefined behaviour".
The caveat in all this is that both the caller and the callee must
agree on the number and types of parameters being passed and optional
parameters can only be used if they both agree on how to indicate the
number actually passed.
Based on the below, the above is obviously all rubbish. So it leads
me to
ask what does actually happen when one program calls another as far as
parameters are concerned?
All HLL external programs pass and receive parameters by reference.
That is a pointer to the parameter is passed. MI can pass and receive
by value to a *PGM object but no HLL exposes this for *PGM calls.
COBOL also supports passing by content for *PGM objects.
Or when one procedure calls another.
These can be passed by reference, by value, or (in the case of COBOL)
by content.
Reference causes a pointer to the parameter to be passed and is the
default parameter passing mechanism. Value causes the parameter value
to be placed in the parameter list. Content causes the value to be
copied to a temporary location and a pointer to this new location is
passed--this method can of course be faked by any programming language
but COBOL provides direct support for it.
Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists
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