Would that be an African or European...? Err.... ASCII or
EBCDIC? That is a question of both the column and the client; it
may make a difference.
Possibly just: WHERE LOCATE(x'0D25', text_column) > 0
-- All of below done from an EBCDIC client; i.e. on
-- the i5 server, from emulated workstation session
create table qtemp/text (txt varchar(80) ccsid 37)
insert into qtemp/text values
('Greetings Earthlings!'),(''),('We come in peace.')
,(''),('This line too.'),(''),('But not this one.')
,(''),('Regards, Aliens')
-- 9 rows inserted in TEXT in QTEMP.
update qtemp/text set txt = replace(txt, 'in', x'0D25')
where locate('in', txt)>0
-- 3 rows updated in TEXT in QTEMP.
select rrn(T) from qtemp/text T
where locate(x'0D25', txt)>0
-- RRNs 1, 3, 5 selected
create table qtemp/textu (txt varchar(80) ccsid 1208)
insert into qtemp/textu select * from qtemp/text
-- 9 rows inserted in TEXTU in QTEMP.
-- Note: CRLF are now x'0D0A' in TEXTU
select rrn(U) from qtemp/textu U
where locate(x'0D25', txt)>0
-- RRNs 1, 3, 5 selected
-- I am unclear what the correct search or results
-- should be here; above just shows what happens.
-- I expect the ASCII client should use x'0D0A' to
-- get the same results.
Regards, Chuck
MKirkpatrick@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I give up. I am trying to determine if a column in my table
contains any CRLFs.
Any suggestions, using SQL.
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