On page 43 the memo states that...
Queries that call a user-defined function (UDF) that is defined with a parameter style of GENERAL or
GENERAL WITH NULLS might return different results than in releases earlier than V6R1. If the return
value is a character type that is 16 bytes or less, the result is now right-justified.
For example if the UDF is defined with a return of 5 and the Externally Called Program is defined with a return of 6, the right 5 characters in the external program is returned to the UDF with the first character being chopped off. I understand this but I'm wondering if anyone knows what happens with the RPGLE service program returns an indicator value of either *On or *Off.
Currently I'm getting '1' for on and '0' for off as a return from the UDF. I'm trying to determine we're going to have an issue moving to V6R1 (I don't have a way to test it yet). I remember previous conversions that said that indicators return a string of 1s when on. Or something similar to that. <-- code you can use to duplicate.
Thank you,
Michael Schutte
Programmer Analyst
3776 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43207
Phone: (614) 492-7419
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