If you're open to a commercial option, our FTP/400 product has a FTPSNDLIB command.
Richard Schoen
RJS Software Systems Inc.
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-----Original Message-----
message: 1
date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 10:52:14 -0500
from: "Timothy Adair" <tadair@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
subject: Simple way to tranfser library
Is there a simple way to copy a library to a remote (300 miles away) iSeries? I know I can do:
Create SAVF
Create SAVF on remote system
FTP SAVF to remote system
RSTLIB on remote system
CLRSAVF on remote system
CLRSAVF on local system
Lather, rinse, repeat (for each library)
I can do this but am hoping there's an easier, cheap (i.e. free) alternative. We're upgrading to a new Power 7 and I need to copy some libraries over to a remote i5 until the upgrade is complete, and then copy them to the new system. I'd really rather not install anything new on the old box, to accomplish this.
As always, any and all responses are welcome.
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