Not pretty, but this will work:
select COMNT from MYFILE
where upper(COMNT) like '%SIZE%'
and substr(COMNT,locate('SIZE',upper(COMNT),1)+5,1)
in ('1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0')
"sjl" wrote in message
Mike -
Specify the trailing spaces in your LIKE clause.
However, I might do it this way to catch anything entered in the comments
field in mixed case:
Select COMNT from MYFILE where UPPER(COMNT) like('%SIZE %')
Mike wrote:
I am trying to see if I can do this with sql.
I am searching through comments in a file
I have records like this
'Jane measured size 12'
'Sue called with her size'
So for example purposes lets say I have field ACCT, and COMNT
I want to find records where the word 'size' is in the comment' easy
Select COMNT from MYFILE where COMNT like('%size'%)
But I only want records where there is a number 2 spaces after the word
Is it possible to do this with an sql statement?
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