In my opinion your subsystem monitor jobs, particularly in the IBM
supplied subsystems, SHOULD run in *BASE. There are a bunch of good
reasons for it, but for now let's just say it's best practice.
Each subsystem should have two memory pools assigned. *BASE as
subsystem pool 1 and *shrpoolxx for subsystem pool 2 ( or more as needed
but it's actually fairly rare ).
Routing entries should all point to subsystem pool 2.
Now in your example you have QHTTPSVR running in the same pools as the
jobs. I like the concept of pushing the web server jobs into their own
memory but the subsystem really should run in *BASE. That subsystem is
going to be dealing with potentially 1000s of threads so in order to
make sure the subsystem monitor job ALWAYS gets an activity level when
it needs one, it should run in *BASE. If the subsystem monitor job is
competing with the web servers for memory and activity level, and it
needs to spawn another thread, it won't be able to if the activity
levels are all used up. That will slow down all your web servers.
Hence keep it in *BASE.
I'm guessing in your COMPILES subsystem there are two subsystem memory
pools. *BASE is 1 and *SHRPOOL3 is subsystem pool 4 (which unless you
have 2 other subsystem pools does not make sense, although it does not
hurt anything)
Keep in mind not to mix up:
System pools: Assigned as the system starts up. Numbers available from
WRKSYSSTS on the far left
Shared Pools: A finite number of them all created by IBM. Assigned to
each subsystem with CHGSBSD command.
Subsystem pools: Again assigned with the CHGSBSD command.
These three are different although they are all used to manage memory
Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects
On 1/24/2012 2:28 PM, Gqcy wrote:
Why / What is causing some of my subsystem monitor jobs to run in the
*base pool versus some of them are running in the *SHRPOOL I have made.
Example wrkactjob screen:
compiles sbsd:
poolid= 4, *SHRPOOL3
all rtg entries point to poolid 4
poolid= 1, *SHRPOOL8
lone rtg entry points to poolid 1
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