I think it's time to contact IBM if you have software support. The obvious has all been looked at. Some of the obscure has been looked at. Without directly looking at the system I'm out of direct ideas.

More obscure ideas:
Check the authority to the device. Make sure it is *PUBLIC set to *CHANGE on the device description.
Check the job log of the subsystem, ( I think you said you did but why not check it again)

Check exit points:

The last two are device initialization. I doubt there is anything there but.... The other ones control vary on/off.

One last stab. Retrieve the CL source for a device that is working. Change the CL to create the device name you have in mind, and run it. If that does not work it's clearly something either to obvious to see or something is busted.

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

On 2/6/2012 12:54 PM, Jim Oberholtzer wrote:
QAUTOVRT was the value I had in mind, and that's a stab in the obscure
but it has happened.

Jim Oberholtzer
Chief Technical Architect
Agile Technology Architects

On 2/6/2012 12:49 PM, John McKee wrote:
> Autoconfig is off. I did, however, try deleting and recreating the
> device description. Had wild notion that the device that works was
> using a different device type than the c0 device. Nope. Both are
> 3179 model 2.
> Not sure what system value you are referring to, for max virtual
> devices. Would seem odd to me that these new devices are the only
> ones with issues, though..
> Subsystems BINTER and BINTER2 were preexisting. The signon display
> file is in QGPL and is named QDSIGN01.
> Is it possible that an exit point is involved? I looked at a number
> of them, but didn't see any that I could associate with this issue.
> That was based solely on the description.
> John McKee
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 12:30 PM, Jim Oberholtzer<midrangel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > Hmm.... Sounds like most of the bases are covered.
>> >
>> > For grins, if you can delete the device description, and then have it
>> > recreate when the telnet session re-connects, (assuming autoconfig is
>> > turned on) see if that helps. Alternatively you could retrieve the
>> > CL source for the device. Delete the device and use the CL to recreate it.
>> >
>> > While your at it, check the system value to see if there is a large
>> > enough number for the virtual devices set. I wonder if you are just
>> > bumping into the limit.
>> >
>> > You don't show what library the DDS is in. The Job description is fully
>> > qualified, (good in this case) is the DDS for the signon screen?
>> >
>> > Jim Oberholtzer
>> > Chief Technical Architect
>> > Agile Technology Architects
>> >
>> >
>> > On 2/6/2012 12:13 PM, John McKee wrote:
>>> >> Subsystem BINTER has *ALL entry.
>>> >>
>>> >> Job Description BSYOBJ1/BINTER
>>> >> Maximum active jobs - *NOMAX
>>> >> Control job at - *SIGNON
>>> >>
>>> >> Signon screen is customized. All other workstations are able to sign on.
>>> >>
>>> >> No work station entry of *CONS in either subsystem.
>>> >>
>>> >> John McKee
>>> >>
>>> >> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 11:14 AM, Jim Oberholtzer<midrangel@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>>> >>> > Bob might be right. The cursor in the upper left hand corner means the
>>>>> >>> > system is communicating with the device (usually anyway) so really it's
>>>>> >>> > waiting for a subsystem to allocate it to provide a sign on screen.
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > Some more obscure things to check:
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > Is the signon screen DDS the default provided by IBM ? If not is it in
>>>>> >>> > the system portion of the library list so the subsystem can find it?
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > Is there a workstation type entry for *ALL? What are it's attributes?
>>>>> >>> > Most will will job description *USRPRF, Maximum active jobs at *NOMAX,
>>>>> >>> > and control job at *SIGNON. (the workstation entry can override the
>>>>> >>> > last setting)
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > Is there a workstation type entry for *CONS? It should match the *ALL
>>>>> >>> > entry with the exception that control jobs at should be *ENTER.
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > It sounds like a workstation type issue at this point, assuming the vary
>>>>> >>> > on is not the problem.
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > Jim Oberholtzer
>>>>> >>> > Chief Technical Architect
>>>>> >>> > Agile Technology Architects
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> >
>>>>> >>> > On 2/6/2012 11:03 AM, Bob P. Roche wrote:
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Vary them back on?
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> From:
>>>>>>> >>>> >> John McKee<jmmckee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> To:
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Midrange Systems Technical Discussion<midrange-l@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Date:
>>>>>>> >>>> >> 02/06/2012 11:01 AM
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Subject:
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Re: Device names and interactive subsystem descriptions
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Sent by:
>>>>>>> >>>> >> midrange-l-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> OK, I varied off a device. Then removed the WSE fro both subsystems.
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Added the entry back, to both with *SIGNON.
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> Result is that the cursor is in the upper left corner on the display.
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> What else am I missing?
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> John McKee
>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 10:42 AM, Jim Oberholtzer<midrangel@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > The subsystem where the entry is set to *SIGNON should allocate the
>>>>>>> >>>> >> device.
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Verify that you do not have a workstation TYPE entry that is getting in
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > the way somehow. I think that's option 5 on the WRKSBSD screen.
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Consider trying:
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > As Scott suggests, change all the workstation entries to *ENTER
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Vary the suspect devices off.
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Change the workstation entries you want to allocate the devices back to
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > *SIGNON
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Vary the devices back on, start with one at a time.
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Verify they get allocated by the correct subsystem.
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > If they do not chances are the workstation name entry on the telnet
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > session is not set correctly, the workstation type is not what your
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > expecting, or the device is damaged, in which case it should just be
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > deleted and let the system recreate it.
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Jim Oberholtzer
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Chief Technical Architect
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Agile Technology Architects
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > On 2/6/2012 10:32 AM, Ingvaldson, Scott wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> IIRC *SIGNON should be used for the primary subsystem that you want the
>>>>>>> >>>> >> workstation to be allocated to and *ENTER is used to allow TFRJOB to
>>>>>>> >>>> >> change the subsystem an interactive job runs in. On the other hand, if a
>>>>>>> >>>> >> workstation is allocated to one subsystem it can be tricky to change it
>>>>>>> >>>> >> with the WSE's.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> You can try changing the WSE for both subsystems to *SIGNON, then
>>>>>>> >>>> >> signing on manually and using TFRJOB to put the workstation into the
>>>>>>> >>>> >> correct subsystem. Once that is done use *SIGNON for the primary
>>>>>>> >>>> >> subsystem and *ENTER for the other.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Hopefully you don't have too many of these.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Scott Ingvaldson
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Senior IBM Support Specialist
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> From: John McKee [mailto:jmmckee@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2012 9:06 AM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Subject: Re: Device names and interactive subsystem descriptions
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> I checked the entry of C0* in both subsystems. Both are C-number zero.
>>>>>>> >>>> >> One is *SIGNON, and the other is *ENTER.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Both are using the same job description and libraryand both are set to
>>>>>>> >>>> >> *NOMAX for maximum jobs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Still doesn't work. If a different workstation is used, all is well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> I looked at the job logs for the two subsystems, BINTER and BINTER2.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Nothing there except entries where I changed the WSE.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> Both subsystems are active.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> What next?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> John McKee
>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 5:35 PM, Jim Oberholtzer<midrangel@xxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>> >>>> >> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > The subsystem does not need to be restarted for a workstation entry
>>>>>>> >>>> >> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > take effect.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > I am confused about the "C0". Workstation IDs cannot start with a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > number. Did you start them literally with "C0"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > In any case the subsystem does not need to restart to enable a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > workstation entry. One thing that might be happening. If another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > subsystem grabs the device and allocates it, then it might hang
>>>>>>> >>>> >> onto
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > it until the device is varied off and back on. I just tried that
>>>>>>> >>>> >> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > our system at iDevCloud and was able to mimic what you are
>>>>>>> >>>> >> describing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Try varying the devices off and then back on with the new subsystem
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > entry active.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > I would also look into the other workstation entries to be sure
>>>>>>> >>>> >> there
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > is not a similar entry out there.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Jim Oberholtzer
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Chief Technical Architect
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > Agile Technology Architects
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> >
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > On 2/3/2012 5:11 PM, John McKee wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> For a long time, there were standards where I work as to naming
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> conventions for devices. But, since the system is on the way out
>>>>>>> >>>> >> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> maybe a year, other people are dictating things.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> In the case of the above, the person who assists others
>>>>>>> >>>> >> establishing
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> a remote connection through the firewall has decided that it
>>>>>>> >>>> >> would be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> easier if the device name was same as the user id.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> We have two interactive subsystems. Each has a number of
>>>>>>> >>>> >> workstation
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> entries - composed of three characters followed by an asterisk.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> I had forgotten about those entries when I created device
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> descriptions that start with C0 (a digit zero).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> My day off today, and I received a call from work that the remote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> users only got a blank screen. So, I added the C0* entry. I was
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> told later that it still did not work.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> I am guessing that the subsystem needed to be restarted for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> change to take effect. Am I right, or is there something else
>>>>>>> >>>> >> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> needs to be done?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> John McKee
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> >>>> >> --
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > --
>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>> >>> > --
>>>>> >>> > --

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