On 09-Feb-2012 07:35 , Michael Schutte wrote:
I went ahead and created a program that first puts DSPDBR to an
outfile, then read through that outfile and did a DSDFD on each
file from DSPDBR.
FWiW, if showing relations of files in QTEMP [irrespective of job;
though specifics for any one file are available only for the files in
the QTEMP of the retrieving job] are relevant to the requirements, then
the non-catalog data [from DSPDBR, DSPFD, or equivalent APIs] is
required; i.e. the system Database Cross-Reference and thus the SQL
catalogs do not have capability to show anything about QTEMP. Also all
files considered "not relational" would not have information tracked to
the SQL catalog, although some level of detail may be available from the
DBXREF data [upon which the much of the SQL catalogs are built].
_i List Database Relations (QDBLDBR) API i_
The content and format of the information to be returned about the
specified file, member, or record format. One of the following format
names must be used:
DBRL0100 File information
DBRL0200 Member information
DBRL0300 Record format information
Because the above API requires a *USRSPC much like DSPDBR requires a
*FILE for the output, the API may not have any advantage.
_i Retrieve Database File Description (QDBRTVFD) API i_
Format name
The content and format of the information to be returned about the
specified file, member, or format. You can use the following format names:
FILD0100 File definition template
FILD0200 Format definition template
FILD0300 Key field information template
Regards, Chuck
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