Yet another way to generate a temporary copy of all the rows for the
desired [product code] selection value. Unless the optimizer is forced
to generate a temporary result, the OPNQRYF can easily best making a
copy. And probably still better by OPNQRYF, even if the classic query
engine implements using a [true] temporary. A CPYF with row selection
in many cases would be just as useful [and similarly undesirable] for
making the temporary copy, as compared to a dynamic query redirected to
an output file by either the DB2 command line or a QM Query.
Even so, unless the DB2 command line query generates the final
report, what benefit does the RPG program have to access a formatted
query report as a stream file for input, as compared to having a
described database file as input?
And unless something has changed, the DB2 command line interface is
still stuck doing single-row FETCH. Hardly efficient. I would stick
with QMQRY in that case. Additionally if the /append/ is not required,
then the "output" environment variable processing can be replaced by a
redirect either via override to standard output or via the '>' symbol.
And FWiW, I would not prefer to ignore the failure to set the first
environment variable, and one would hope the ignored error in the latter
would be cause for a defect if left unmonitored yet transpired.?
Use of the DB2 interface for the scenario by the OP, if a temporary
copy were even desirable, would best be implemented using a "CREATE
TABLE ... as SELECT ... WITH DATA" to avoid the cursor\FETCH activity,
and making the data available in a TABLE instead of a stream file. That
method could best the CPYF too.
Regards, Chuck
On 20-Feb-2012 08:11 , Vern Hamberg wrote:
This is maybe even easier than using QM queries - I need to look at
it more.
On 2/20/2012 9:04 AM, Jim Oberholtzer wrote:
While it is way better to put your SQL into the RPG program you can
do it directly from CL without OPNQRYF. You would put your SQL
statement into a variable and call a utility in QSHELL called DB2.
So it looks like:
MONMSG CPFA980 /* Error adding value */
CHGVAR &Command VALUE('db2 "'select * from whatever...etc'"')
QSH cmd(&Command)
Works like a charm, and really, it's too easy. The hardest part is
getting the quote ticks to work right.
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