Some of you may have seen my posts about submitting requirements to IBM
through the COMMON website - no paid membership needed, but an
easily-got user and password are required.
I've been fortunate to participate in a group called CAAC - COMMON
America Advisory Council. You do have to be a COMMON member, either
individually or through your company, I think. I am there through my
employment at RJS Software.
We are looking for people to be on CAAC - here is the link to the page
at COMMON that describes what the group is about -
We are very involved with requirements, vetting those submitted by y'all
through the COMMON site. IBM says that requirements coming through this
channel get very high consideration, because there are several people
looking at them before they get to IBM. E.g., the recent freeing of Open
Access: RPG Edition came about in part, I believe, through the efforts
of CAAC, pushing through the almost 30 requirements from COMMON members.
We are looking for peope with a balance of business, management,
hardware and software skills. There are already enough ISVs and
consultants and partners on the Council.
Anyone interested, please look at some of the information here and then
go to the COMMON site and submit an application.
One of the CAAC members, Michelle August, has posted something in the
IMHO site at -
An IBMer recently put together a Powerpoint presentation on the benefits
of membership in CAAC. You can find it at this URL and save it to your
system -
There's only one file - 2012 CAAC Recruiting V2 .ppt
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