Trying to print same *AFPDS report form with boxes to these 2 printers.
HP works perfectly, IBM seems to have fixed left margin at ½" which I need to reduce.
Am able to print overlay in that area, but stuff from printer file (lines or text) locks printer; only recovery is shut off printer and restart.
Any idea how I can print to within ¼" of left margin with printer file commands (text, lines, etc)? Only an overlay will print in the left ½".
Both printers are using same form definition
Form definition . . . . . . . . . : F1C10110
Library . . . . . . . . . . . . : *LIBL
Both are Advanced function printing . . . . : *YES
Someone mentioned Workstation Customizing Object (WSCST) but according to manual, this is ignored for *AFPDS.
Also, I only want to alter for specific print job, not globally.
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