I have been tasked with copying records from several files to an external system when data in records change.
So a series of trigger programs seems like a good solution.
I will have a pile of20 files, but lets say there are 3 files for simplification.
I need a different trigger pgm for each file:
File Program
------- -------------------
Cust pgmA
Product pgmB
Order pgmC
Would it be possible and worthwhile to build only one trigger pgm? I was thinking that maybe there is a way to capture ONLY the file-name and the primary key values into a new file.
Then later when the data transfer to the external system occurs, an SQL command would take the file name & keys and get the actual full data record to transfer.
Would this be worth the extra work to make one flexible pgm to handle all data files?
I could possibly make use of the system files QADBKFLD and QADBIFLD to construct keys and files to identify changed records.
Can this be done?? Or not worth it??
Has anyone done this? Can you share some code??
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