In the cover letter for MF99005, available at
It mentions nothing about MF56173
It does say this:
Special Instructions
Please ensure that you have a SAVSYS before applying this PTF.
Permanently apply any temporarily applied LIC PTFs on your partition
before applying this PTF.
This PTF must be permanently applied.
BUT, as it has been pointed out to me, MF99005 is not TR5; SF99707 level 5
is. And if you look at the cover letter for SF99707 you'll see that
MF56173 is included with SF99707.$File/SF99707.pdf
So, you need MF56173 applied before you apply MF56173?
Of course, MF56173 is a delayed PTF, designed to stop a hang during an
IPL. Of course, what's to stop the hang during the IPL applying MF56173?
Well, don't have any "previous failed system configuration change" is a
big start.
Probably it's a, "if you sneak by the hang on this IPL, then this PTF will
prevent this type of hang on any future IPLs".
Rob Berendt
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