Well "damage" can be either logical damage or [for lack of a better
term] physical damage. The latter is further classified as either
hard\full or partial\soft. The physical damage is logged [I think by
Storage Management (SM)] as VLog major code prefix 03. Logical damage
is the domain of the object handler and is diagnosed according to the
owning component.
FWiW: Like I replied earlier, the use of a specific type of incident
for "damage" may be entirely different from what is diagnosed by
"Database is Corrupt"; the SQL Server could have its own "damage" and
still not have whatever it calls "Database is Corrupt".?
The Save feature will not save a physically damaged object.
Previously damaged objects will be skipped, and objects that are
detected and marked damaged during the save will terminate the save
request And depending both on how the object owner defines the logical
damage and if the Save feature calls the object owner as an object
handler, the Save feature may or may not be able to save an object with
logical damage. A Save may "detect" physical damage due to the LIC
object handler [or actions by another LIC component such as SM], and
that detection will actually terminate the Save; re-attempting the save
will skip the object which is since known to be /previously damaged/
FWiW for the database *FILE objects owned by component DB, notification
of most logical damage due to pending recovery is by CPF3245 [and
sometimes other types of logical damage, even if inappropriately, are
notified by CPF3285].
The Database Save feature often creates "recovery objects" for save
requests. If any Database Recovery Object is left for an object, the
recovery is "pending" and the database *FILE object is considered
logically damaged. There are only a few ways that I recall whereby
these recovery objects could survive a save, because the Save will call
the object handler to perform cleanup in almost every other typical save
. the system storage limit [or the user storage limit?] is exceeded;
the save process remains active to allow cleanup, but the backout
procedures are not called because they require more storage which is a
catch-22. For pending database work the resolution after cleanup [that
must start with non-database objects], IIRC, is to issue DSPFD against
the libraries that failed to save. One would hope saves are not
performed either by limited MAXSTG users or when the system is teetering
on the edge of termination due to DASD overflow.
. the save job ending in a way that the Save or handlers were unable
to perform their backout handlers for process termination; *IMMED end is
undesirable here, just as for other operations, although I thought the
default end limits would normally let even large saves call and perform
all exit activity
. as with anything, defects; any defect whereby the Database Recovery
Objects were left [whether the Save called to ask is of course
irrelevant], for example.
Regards, Chuck
On 29 Jan 2013 14:12, Charles Wilt wrote:
I'm a bit surprised at that...I'd expect a SAVE operation to be
99.9% read only. I don't see how a read operation could corrupt
an object.
Save-while-active, maybe...
Anybody, looking at you Chuck ;) , know the details?
On Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:01 PM, Jim Oberholtzer wrote:
To the contrary; Save operations that are killed in the middle, or
fail for a multitude of reasons will cause a damaged object. I've
probably called in 15 - 20 PMRs over the years and had one critsit
over that very topic. The critsit was while I was VP IT and we were
down for several days. It happened while I as at COMMON in
Nashville, I remember it vividly. Ask Larry what my mood was like
that week! The only thing that made that week worse was Al Barsa
You are correct that a damaged object will not be saved properly,
but a save operation that fails/or is killed (end immediate) can
cause a damaged object as well.
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