I was going to stay out of this as I've fallen below the MQC line as an
RPG developer. But I used to do that and I've programmed in many
languages for a bunch of years.
What I see in this thread is a strong dichotomy between replies, likely
reflecting those making those replies (or at least those referred to.)
Like so many things in life to use any tool properly you must understand
how to use it. Once that's mastered the tool can be used to best effect.
Consider the lumberman who cut down trees. He comes into the hardware to
get his axe and his crosscut saw sharpened. He's a big burly man who can
cut down five trees a day. The hardware man asks if he'd like to be able
to cut 50 trees a day. Of course the burly man says he would like that.
So he purchases the chain saw offered by the hardware man and hurries
out the door. Late the next day he comes in tired and frustrated. He's
quite irate with the hardware man: "You said I could cut 50 trees a day
with this! I've barely managed but one and I'm exhausted! This thing
barely works at all, it's heavy and I paid a lot for it!" The hardware
man says: "Lets go out back and have a look." Out back the hardware man
gives the cord a yank and fires it up at which point the burly man says:
You see it's not just the tools it's how you use them. Used improperly
they're just more expensive and complicated (potentially even
dangerous!) while used correctly they can be amazing.
As with the chainsaw a bit of training can go a LONG way to making any
tool useful. Accepting training and learning any tool can pay off big.
Pushing training away and 'going it alone' or worse, simply ignoring the
tools altogether is poor at best.
The dichotomy then is between those who are learning, embracing and
growing with the platform and those who 'have always done it that way'
and don't plan on changing.
- Larry "DrFranken" Bolhuis
On 2/4/2013 6:38 PM, Alan Campin wrote:
All I can say is that if people think that ILE is complex and it is not,
wait until they try Java and Frameworks or C#. ILE RPG is so simple and
clean compared to writing for frameworks and all the stuff that goes with
And finally, if you think you are going to stick you head in the sand and
write RPG III and that is all you will ever need, good luck with that one.
AS400 are vanishing right and left and new development is going to other
platforms precisely because people on the AS/400 will not change. I have
spoken with 5 different companies in the last few months and all of them
getting rid of the AS/400.
On Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Bradley Stone <bvstone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I think Buck just touched on the difference between a programmer and a
coder. :)
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