On 18 Mar 2013 10:30, Rich Loeber wrote:
The detailed joblog does not give any more information than I
Actually a spooled joblog does contain much more information that
what was given. The context of the messages [from\to programs,
procedures, statements\instructions, requests] is completely unknown
without the joblog and\or trace.... without a very wordy message or very
succinct symptom keyword strings that divulge the context of each message.
but your idea of checking for the specific member on the CHKOBJ
resonates and I think I'll add that. I'll bet that's what is
happening. I am doing the RTVMBRD for a specific named member
so I should CHKOBJ for that same member first.
Unfortunately the same window for the failure exists, even with
adding the MBR(named) on the CHKOBJ. The problem with CHKOBJ is that
there is little value for its use with concurrency, which is what the
origin for the problem must be; i.e. the object deletion is occurring
effectively /simultaneous/ to the failing RTVMBRD request. The result
of a CHKOBJ is merely *historical* information, and therefore in a
high-concurrency environment, that information is mostly irrelevant.
Deferring the existence check to the RTVMBRD is actually the
correct\proper thing to do when concurrent activity is possible; i.e.
the CHKOBJ as prior work that will be repeated by the RTVMBRD would
typically be labeled as an "overhead".
But because the RTVMBRD is what is the failing request, another
resolution\circumvention is required. And reporting the issue as a
probable defect is desirable, possibly to those who might have
circumvented the issue in one or a few instances, but also to those who
might not have encountered the issue yet.
As an attempt to circumvent the issue, I would actually replace the
CHKOBJ with an ALCOBJ if having to deal with concurrency. However there
is also the Retrieve Member Description (QUSRMBRD) API, which although
probably coded much like RTVMBRD, may not experience the same issue in
the same way that is negatively impacting the RTVMBRD request in the
CLP; i.e. at least hopefully not signaling the *FC to the invoker, no
matter what issues that API encounters.
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