I have an order header and detail file with one to many.
The order header has TOTQTY, which is the sum of all detail quantities.
The order detail has DTLQTY, which is one line's qty.
If I do a join of the two files and there is one HDR and five DTL records, there will now be FIVE rows.
I want to compare the sum of the DTLQTY to the single TOTQTY value.
I can use SUM(DTLQTY) to provide the sum of the detail.
What is a good way to provide the TOTQTY? I don't want to use SUM(TOTQTY) as this would give a result 5 times the correct value.
Is MAX(TOTQTY) what people generally use?
But that seems to be misleading since I am not really looking for the max value, as all rows contain the same value for a header column.
Should I be grouping the detail PRIOR to the join, so there is only ONE header value?
But it seems like the SQL stmt is SO much simpler if I do the join first.
Any ideas?
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