I submitted the following comments about that document [with regard
to a snippet which is since pasted\included inline with the quoted
message being replied-to]:
The EDTLIBL command typically would be useless to assist [except with
some improbably bizarre and unsupported system configurations] because
that command allows only the modification of the "user portion" of the
library list. The CHGSYSLIBL command [limited in authority; i.e.
typical user is not authorized] is how the "system portion" of the
library list is adjusted.
The command request WRKCMD CMD(*LIBL/SAVLIB) is more succinct and more
appropriate. Succinct because the command implicitly includes the
object type. Appropriate because "*LIBL" will present an ordered list
of the [authorized] SAVLIB commands in the library list of the job,
showing all of those that exist "in any library ahead of QSYS"
for\within the job that issues the request. If any job issues a command
with the generic library name *ALL, whether the command names listed are
"ahead of QSYS" requires additional work. Locating every copy of the
command outside of libraries QSYS [and any library named QSYS29##] still
has value, but is not directly related to a specific failure in a
specific job.
Regards, Chuck
On 31 Aug 2013 10:48, Don Osmond wrote:
Found a possible solution at
Title: Message CPD0162 is Received when Running SAVLIB Command From
the Command Line
Reference #: N1011819 ; previous KB item doc number: 585127039
_Resolving the problem_
If a library ahead of QSYS contains a SAVLIB command, that command is
likely no longer correct for the current release. To allow the SAVLIB
command to process successfully, do one of the following:
1. Qualify the SAVLIB command to use the command in library QSYS. For
instance, from the command line, run QSYS/SAVLIB.
2. Issue the EDTLIBL command, and change the library list so that
QSYS if the first library listed in your library list.
3. Rename or delete the SAVLIB command in the library ahead of QSYS.
If there are desired changes to be made to the SAVLIB command, copy the
SAVLIB command from the QSYS library to the library ahead of QSYS and
modify the command.
Note: Message CPD0162 may also be received for other commands if they
exist in a library ahead of QSYS. This error is common to see after an
upgrade as copied commands from a previous release are no longer valid
at the current release. If changes were made to commands and added to a
library above QSYS, the commands will need to be modified again and
added to a library above QSYS after each upgrade.
Don Osmond on Saturday, August 31, 2013 1:45 PM wrote:
We upgraded V5R4 to V7R1 and now when I try to run SAVLIB I get the
error "Parameters do not match those in program QSRVALID in QSYS"
with details as
msgCPD0162 "Parameters do not match those in program QSRVALID in QSYS."
Cause . . . . . : The number of parameters in the command
definition do not match the number of parameters in the command
processing or the validity checker program QSRVALID in library
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