On 16 Oct 2013 12:59, Steinmetz, Paul wrote:
I recently completed a V6R1 BRMS recovery to a new test LPAR
Renamed the LPAR - Pencor06 to Pencor07.
Upgraded the LPAR to V7R1, via STRNETINS using a remote DSLO image
The only issue I have is that when I renamed the LPAR, the directory
entries were partially updated, no longer valid, (see below)
IBM does not know how this occurred, nor do they have a fix.
I must delete and re add all my directory entries related to this
Any clues. I need to fix, but may be repeating all of the above.
I want to avoid the directory entry issue.
Display Directory Entry Details
User ID/Address . . . . : PAULS PENCOR06 (<- Old LPAR name)
Description . . . . . . : Paul
System name/Group . . . : PENCOR07 (<- New LPAR name)
User profile . . . . . : PAULS
Network user ID . . . . : PAULS PENCOR07
The effect is correct, as I understand; as /IBM/ should too. If the
/address/ of the local user as recipient suddenly changed, then the
senders would no longer be able to reach them, so the address does not
change. That is, /renaming/ the system must not implicitly modify the
recipient's Local User-ID/Address name-pair. Only the underlying
Network-User-ID/Address pair is updated to reflect the /network name/
update; when the System Name (SYSNAME) is identified as *LCL "The system
name and group name default to the local system name." That local name,
the User Identifier (USRID), is associated to the user's mail and how
that data is saved and restored. Having left the USRID in tact, the
restore of the mail could complete; associated with the known local user.
Instead of DLTDIRE and then ADDDIRE, the Rename Directory Entry
(RNMDIRE) should suffice. The DSPDIRE output file data could be
utilized as input to a program to formulate the RnmDirE command request.
"... The Rename Directory Entry (RNMDIRE) command renames a local or
remote user identifier (ID) and user address to a new user ID and user
address. ... OLDUSRID Old user identifier ... NEWUSRID New user
identifier ... FWDFRM Forward from user identifier ... NETUSRID Change
network user identifier ..."
_When to run the Rename Directory Entry command_
"When you need to run the Rename Directory Entry (RNMDIRE) command for a
local user, schedule it before you perform these operations.
* Saving mail
* Saving the system distribution directory
If the rename operation is performed just before saving the mail and the
directory, the changed information is saved and the information will be
the same as what is on the system. If the information on the media does
not match the information on the system, the mail will not be restored
during the restore operation."
I handled similar migrations [to establish an effective copy of one
system to another] by using my own database files for maintaining user
information, and then ADDDIRE requests would be pre-filled from that
information, using whatever is that system's /system name/ as the
Address portion of the USRID. Each entry defined a new local user with
no [restored] mail.
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