On 13-Dec-2013 15:06 -0800, Horn, Jim wrote:
In a cl program, I am issuing the following command to lock a member
in a file. In case it matters the srctype of the file is TXT.
If the member is already locked, then the test fails and we have to
release the lock on the member before continuing. All well and good.
If the lock [aka: allocate] fails; with the CPF1002? If so, then no
lock exists to be released. No action regarding locking is required;
optionally, the allocation can be re-attempted, but no unlocking by the
program[mer]\user should occur in response to the CPF1002 exception
Later I issue
/* no monmsg after */
no errors, nothing in the joblog, but the member remains locked.
Work with Member Locks
File . . . . . : QTXTSRC Type . . . . . : PHY
Library . . : INTQAT ASP device . . : *SYSBAS
Opt Member Job User Type Lock Status Share
The lock is not released until I sign off the workstation. As if I
had not issued the DLCOBJ command at all.
Any ideas?
No mention of release... to improve the possibility of a defect search.
Was debug and/or CLP command logging used to verify that the specific
and expected DLCOBJ ran? And matching exactly to the ALCOBJ?
Unlikely, because an open should not have the *EXCL data lock.
But... Is it possible that the locks exist implicitly due to an /open/
instead of the /allocate/ activity? Check WRKJOB OPTION(*OPNF) to see
if the file is opened. The file.mbr would be closed and the lock
disappear at signoff. There is a RCDFMTLCK parameter on OVRDBF that
enables the noted DATA lock, but I seem to recall that there would be
*two* DATA locks; i.e. one *SHRRD and then another *EXCL to implement
the so-called Record Format Lock.
If [as I suspect probably] not per the database file member being
open in the job:
Do the values of either of the variables (&LIBRARY) and (&PROGNAME)
ever change anywhere in the program. Is there ever a Rename Member
(RNMM) done in the program? Or less likely, a Rename Object (RNMOBJ) or
Move Object (MOVOBJ) against the *FILE object? An effective RNMLIB
request? The above output was apparently from a request to WRKOBJLCK
INTQAT/QTXTSRC MBR(*ALL), but what does that request with MBR(*NONE)
show? If the MBR(*NONE) invocation shows "(There are no locks for the
specified object)" and a message "Press F6 to see member locks.", then
the lock\unlock requests presumably were unpaired.
Unfortunately the onus is on the programmer\user to deallocate
exactly what was allocated; i.e. the Allocate Object (ALCOBJ) and
Deallocate Object (DLCOBJ) request must be *identically paired*
according to *effect* not according to the *values* specified on the
parameters. That means the object named on each request must be the
*same* object according to its permanent address, not according to its
current name. And because the attempt to deallocate a member that is
not allocated generates no error whatsoever, the ability to track the
origin of an error is muddled. And worse, if the requests are unpaired
against the *same* file, then the *SHRRD lock on the *FILE object is
lost, and that breaks the locking protocol for a database file... which
can cause assumptions by the OS DataBase (DB) code to fail. While
harsh, that has always been considered a permanent restriction and a
usage error if encountered.
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